Hajime Kokonoi is officially dead

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Koko's day started as normal as it could, with a teenager and a partner who didn't filter the bad ideas out of her head. Koko had a hard job, not only were most people at work acting like imbeciles, but now a rumor was going around.


Surprising news arrived today at around 8:30 AM.
A gang member, financial advisor, and one of the top administrators, Hajime Kokonoi was found dead.
The cause of his death is unknown, and the police haven't commented on the matter.
Will this be the downfall of the Tokyo Manji Gang?
For more, please open page 7...

He doesn't have time for this, he is a busy man. Eri was also missing, which is not a good sign. He hoped she left with Seishu.

When he arrived at the base, he found it silent. Which was not a good sign, the few bodyguards who were there were silent and didn't spare him a glance.

When he opened the meeting room, he regretted all his life choices. Why didn't he become some boring CEO for some company? Why didn't he listen to his parents?

Before him was a small shrine, there were candles and a picture of him there. This screamed Eri. Speaking of the devil, and he shall arrive, he saw Eri next to a grinning Seishu.

" Today we all have arrived here to the shocking news, Koko-Chanel is dead. We all have lost someone today, a husband, a father, and whatever he was. His death saddens us all, and the funeral shall take place in a week." He heard Eri say, who was dressed in all black. She had a black veil over her.

Seishu patted her back and the others seemed to fill into her fantasies. Yeah, this was not going to work.

" Eri what is with this nonsense." Eri let a rather dramatic cry out.

" Sometimes I can still hear his voice." Seishu patted her back and whispered 'Let it out' in her ear. He was going to kill him.

"Don't worry Eri I'm sure that Koko is now in a better place," Mikey said without a care in the world and stole some food from the shrine.

" Yeah, better place." Izana snorted out.

" The hell are you guys talking about," he was about to thank Kisaki, " he is probably drinking cocktails in hell with Satan." That bastard looked straight into Koko's eyes when he said that.

" Guys, stop with this nonsense-" Before he could say even more, Eri began to dramatically fall into her chair with fake tears.

" My heart can't take this, poor old Koko- crunch all alone. Seishu you just lost your husband, I hope that you know that I will not call any of your new lovers' dad." Seishu just nodded.

" Of course, Eri, Koko may be dead, but he will continue to live in our hearts. He was a great... something." He patted her head.

Koko shook his head and left the room. He hoped that this would end in a few hours, but it didn't. His office door was filled with cards about how sad they were and candles.

This looked like a bad Hollywood movie. Every time he talked with someone he was met with silence, everyone acted like he was dead.

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