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Eri knew that her father was rich, like not rich, he was rich rich. He was so rich, she wouldn't be surprised to see him using his money as toilet paper one day. She knew that he was so rich that even after giving every human on earth like a thousand dollars, he would still live a comfortable life after that.

Her birthday present wasn't really that big, so her plan should work. Sorry, you guys don't know what's going on, so let's go really fast inside Eri's brain.

Eri is almost every second of the day on her phone and on whatever social media she opened first. Today she was lying on her bed and finally found her will to live.

She knew that Koko was rich, but he would probably still say no to what she had planned. Then she got an idea, what way is better than doing a PowerPoint to present her idea.

Koko will be so shocked at her idea that he will be forced to give her what she wants. Eri smirked and got her laptop. She was now doing girl shit.


Everyone knew that Eri was special. Well, others would call her a nut job, but we are working on that, also twin goals.

It surprised no one when she came once again late to a meeting with what seemed to be a suit dress on. What however surprised them was the grin on her, Koko prayed under his breath.

" That should be all for today, has anyone something to say?" Asked Mikey bored. Meetings weren't really his cup of tea.

" Mikey- mouse give me the mic. I have girl shit to do." Mikey gave her the air in his hand with a raised eyebrow, and she accepted it with a smile.

" No, not today Eri, I have a headache." Groaned Izana and was about to stand up.

" Stop being dramatic, that only suits me. You are more on the breakdown side. Now let me do this, I actually did something." She turned around and connected her pink laptop to the projector.

" Didn't know that we had that." Muttered Sanzu impressed.

She turned the lights out, and soon they were met with light. On the wall was written 'Eri's idea'.

She turned to the next page and there was just a pretty background picture.

" I know what you think, ' Who created this background pic?' Yes, I confess I have a lot of talents that you guys don't know about. However, we are sadly not here today to talk about my talents. We are here to talk about that." The picture that now came was an island.

" An island? What, you want to go on vacation?" Asked Ran amused. Eri rolled her eyes.

" You guys are worse than elementary students. I accept questions after my masterpiece, thank you." Ran put his hands up in defense.

" Now, before I was rudely, and I mean rudely interrupted. Yes, this behind me is an island for the people who didn't know. I know Kisaki hard to understand for you." He only gave her an unamused look.

" Now does anyone know what makes this island so special? Ran now I accept questions, and please put your fucking hands up. I know you never went to school but still." Rindou chuckled at that. Kakucho put his hand up and Eri pointed at him.

" Isn't that the island that we saw a few weeks ago? I think it was on sale, wasn't it?" He asked and Eri smiled at him.

" Kakucho, the love of my life, from day to day I love you more. Wait, don't get a weird idea, I mean you're a great guy but not my Typ." Koko rolled his eyes and began to talk, " Eri continue please."

" Rude but ok, yes like Kaku said this island is for sale. However, if we look from another view, it could soon look like this." The next picture was just the same island with a SOLD sign on.

" Sold? What does that mean? Eri I skipped my English lessons." Let Mikey out, the other however looked at Eri in disbelief.

" Eri don't tell me you did what I think you did." Koko let out, Eri raised an eyebrow.

" I can't read your mind, Dad, use words. And they say I can't talk." She said in disbelief.

" Did you buy an island?" Asked Seishu amused.

" No, however, if one of you guys would be so kind." She got various 'no's. She looked at them in disbelief.

" You didn't even let me finish. You guys are the worst."

" I'm not buying you anything, so what makes you think I will buy you an island?" Asked Izana with a raised eyebrow.

" Never came smarter words out of your mouth Uncle Izana~" Izana glared at her, and she smiled at him brightly.

The next picture was the island but now with a beach bar and a waterslide. In the background was also a small villa.

" This is how the island could look like. I mean, I'm not that mean, I'll totally let you guys sometimes visit, but the name will be. Eri the island" She made a move with her hand as if to reveal it.

"No" she glared at Rindou.

" I really can't understand you guys. You tell me to find a hobby, and I found one. Becoming president of my own island. I mean, give me a few years and I will get the whole world." She rolled her eyes when she saw expressions.

" Fine, I will talk like Koko, think of it like an investment." She let the word out with disgust.

" Eri if I should invest in whatever this is how can I be sure that you will show profit?" Koko asked her.

" 'em hello, I'm amazing?! I mean, have you seen this face? Everyone would give me what I want. Also, you guys also should do that, if not then you are not welcome inside the new world."

" New world?" Asked Izana with a raised eyebrow.

" Are you guys listening?! Eri Island is just a cheap shoe that I will walk in. The Future is a new shoe collection from my favorite designer. The new world will be called ' Eri'. After that, I will take the aliens on." She was met with silence.

" How much money do you need?" Everyone except Mikey looked at Seishu in disbelief.

"It's pretty cheap about $158,628,000, after that I need more money for the whole bar thing and the waterslide. So let's say $200,000,000?" Seishu nodded and seemed to think.

" Ask Koko, he is the one with the money." Koko gave Seishu the hardest, deadliest glare he ever saw. Eri now looked at Koko with great expectations.

" Eri that is a lot of money." Eri rolled her eyes.

" Please Koko you make that like in a year. Look, I swear on Emi's life that this will not flop."

" Ask Mikey." Eri now turned to Mikey, who was silent all the time.

" Sure, just tell me one thing." Eri waited with a big smile.

" What does sold mean?" Izana slammed his face on the table hard. Everyone looked at him.

" Damn, Uncle Izana if you wanted a nose job you could have just said so. I mean, I don't seem like it, but I got a punch in me. Also, Mikey, my favorite person in the world sold means that you have bought something . I will teach you English one day." Mikey patted her head.

" Sure, give me the papers and I will send the money." Eri let a screech out and hugged him.

" OMG, you are like the best!!! I totally swear you are going to be the first person who is invited also one day after the world is mine I will build a statue of you. It will be of pure gold. No, that's too small, I will name a planet after you." She kissed his cheek and ran out, calling Emi.

" Where do you think will you get that much money?" Asked Kisaki who was silent the whole presentation.

" Hmm? I have some money saved up, it's not like I will have the money when I die. Also, a planet named after me is worth it."

Mikey- sadly not a planet

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