Recovery era, kinda

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Koko was getting worried. This is nothing new, but Eri just got kidnapped a week ago, and now she is eating cereal as if nothing happened. She wasn't faced with the fact that she could have died. Seishu wasn't a big help, he was supporting Eri's ignorance.

Koko looked down at the piece of paper, this was the only way.

He walked into the living room, where his both most treasured people were looking through magazines and eating cereal. He cleared his throat but was ignored, he did it again but a little louder.

'' Koko we have tea, just drink it.'' Eri didn't even look at him when she said that and continued with reading.

''Could you both listen to me for a few minutes.''

''Maybe later, we are right now kinda busy.'' Koko glared at Seishu and took both magazines away. He got two glares and knew he had their attention.

'' now that I have your attention, I have decided something very life-changing.'' Eri interrupted him.

'' if you tell me you are getting another child, I'm leaving. I'm ready to share you in maybe 20 years.'' 

'' what no, Eri please listen and wait.'' Eri raised her eyebrow and Seishu shook his head.

'' I'm not sure how to say this, so I was thinking, that you know that after all'' Seishu was getting impatient.

'' Koko please get to the point.'' 

'' I think Eri should get therapy.'' Koko was met with silence, which was better than what he thought would happen. You know, Eri having a dramatic breakdown and Seishu sending him disappointing looks.

'' your kinda late father dearest, Kakucho has made an appointment for me after whatever it was that happened last week. I'm going to slay my recovering era and become a new person.'' Koko was flabbergasted.

'' why am I the last one that hears this.'' Eri rolled her eyes.

'' stop being dramatic, bad eyebrows also doesn't know about it.'' Koko wasn't feeling any better.

''When is the appointment?'' Eri looked at Seishu, he looked right back at her.

'' I know that I'm pretty, but why are you looking at me? Kakucho gave you the date.''

'' no Eri I'm sure he wrote it on your palm so that you don't forget about it.'' they both shared a look and turned their gazes to Koko.

'' you told me 2 minutes ago that you had all of this planned! How should I know the date and why would I ask if I knew?'' 

'' to test us, your acting kinda sus.'' Koko was looking at Eri in disbelief.

'' I agree with Eri, you are kinda a control freak, so you could be acting.'' 

'' Inupi I swear to god don't start with me, now one of you call Kakucho or.'' Eri took her phone and called Kakucho. She just talked herself out of her last prison sentence, she didn't need another. Thankfully, Kakucho got fast on the phone.

' Eri? Is everything alright?'

' Yeah, rainbow and unicorns, so let's say I forgot when my appointment was, but in a fantasy world what would you do?' she heard a sigh on the other line.

' I would say in this fantasy that you should hurry because your appointment is in an hour. Was there anything else?'

' No, thank you, love you, bye.' she hung up and looked at the faces; they knew they needed to leave fast.

When they arrived and walked inside they were greeted by a woman who did all the paperwork, Koko was happily answering the questions.

'' alright, I only require the signature of any parent, which one of you wants to?'' they were greeted by the harsh reality, they weren't Eri's parents. She could call them dad or father for the rest of her life, but that wouldn't change what is written on paper.

'' Koko just signs, I know that is what makes you get it up.'' Koko glared at her.

'' I told you to stop, this is after Eri's time which doesn't involve Eri.'' he signed the paper and for the first time felt like a criminal.

'' well when we are finished with that then I would like to take Eri with me to start.'' the woman smiled, Eri waved at the two and walked after the woman.

The woman led her to a room with a couch, a desk, a few chairs, and bookshelves. A normal office, Eri judged it hard, Mikey and hers was so much better. They even had a mini fright when Mikey or Eri got hungry.

'' Miss Ito, I know opening up to a stranger is hard, so let's start with hobbies and friends.'' this woman just signed her dead sentence with these words.

'' so there is a friend, I mean she is more than that, she is my main bitch, my other heart, she is my sister from another mother...''

The woman ran out crying, and Eri walked out slowly after her, looking confused. Koko and Seishu looked at Eri who standing in front of them.

'' look, I don't want to be judgy or anything, but I think she needs a therapist and not the other way around. She is like bad shit craz and not the good kind.'' Koko looked at her, disappointed.

''How would a good kind of crazy look like.'' Eri rolled her eyes, '' Like me, now let's find me another therapist.''

* a week later*

Koko and Seishu were once again sitting in a meeting without Eri.

'' is there anything else?'' Koko stood up and got all the attention.

'' does anyone know a good therapist?'' 

'' oh my did it finally happen? Eri has driven you crazy?'' Ran smirked and Rindou chuckled.

'' no, the therapist is for Eri.'' this time it was Kisaki who interrupted him.

'' a therapist is not going to help, she is a nut job, send her to a clinic.'' Seishu let a 'hey' out.

'' would you stop disrespecting my daughter, thank you. Now we tried 37 therapists and no one could help us. Izana do you have one?'' Izana raised an eyebrow at that.

'' why are you asking me?'' 

'' because between you and Eri is a very thin line of who is crazier.'' Seishu glared at Koko.

'' she is our daughter,'' he whispered harshly over at Koko. He just got ignored.

'' here is the information.'' let's just say that after this, Eri wasn't the only one searching for a new therapist.


this book is slowly coming to an end. And I will probably be gone again for a few days or weeks because I need sleep.

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