The perfect date. (planned by Eri) 2

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The next part was bowling. Eri absolutely hated bowling, and Seishu felt the same way. Koko however didn't feel anyway about it and rather enjoyed watching it.

They got their shoes and bowling balls when they arrived at the bowling alley. Their time was spent in silence and Seishu rolling the ball around.

Eri who hide behind the counter gritted her teeth. This was not going to work and when she looked around she saw a worker and grinned. Plan B was always the best plan.

" Inupi you are not even trying." Koko nagged and looked at the bored Seishu, who was almost falling asleep.

" Bowling is boring, can't believe my own daughter would put me through this." He said dramatically, Koko glared at him.

" Stop with that and stand up, we would be already finished if you were actually doing something." Before the argument could develop, people started to sing and there was cake in front of them.

On Seishu's head was put on a 'happy birthday' headband and the people continued to sing. The people around were now looking at them, and both just stood there awkwardly. Once they finished and left, they both let a relieved sigh out.

" This was also her idea, wasn't it?" Seishu nodded and glared at the small cake. He cut through it and got his piece. He would forgive Eri this time because the cake was pretty good.

" Eri has good taste in cake." Koko gave him a look and was about to take his piece when he found a note. When he opened it and read the context he had a deadpanned look on his face. Seishu looked over his shoulder and read.

You two are supposed to enjoy your date! This is the most important time in your life! You guys were probably alive when the fire was discovered, do you really want to die without embracing this thing people call love? I'm watching you cunts.
Ps. I know that I have good taste in cakes.

With love, Eri your favorite and only daughter. Aka the future president and queen of a small island that I totally don't hope Koko buys me for my birthday. If we are talking about a birthday, I also would like a car and a new phone. My own room also sounds nice, who knows when you both got that stick out of your asses then maybe I could get a sibling. I will totally call him or her Eri Junior. Xoxo gossip girl joke it's just me Eri

The ending was longer than the actual text and Seishu tried to hide his laughter. When Koko was about to put the note in the trash Seishu stopped him.

" Do you want to keep that?"

" Of course, this comes inside my Eri folder." Koko rolled his eyes when he realized Seishu was still bitter about the fact that he until a few days ago didn't know about the folder he had for Eri.

" Can we now please finish this game and do another of Eri's weird date ideas?" With that, they both finished playing their game with Eri watching them.

She took a few pictures and put them inside a folder on her phone. She would totally make a picture book out of it.

The love story of an idiot and the bigger idiot.... No, that was boring, perhaps, the moment of Realization... she would think about a name later now to the next date.

Couple pottery class, is the moment where both Seishu and Koko will realize that they actually love touching each other.

Eri was really proud of herself.

When both Koko and Seishu arrived, a young man with a friendly smile greeted them. They were given a place to sit.

" I will show you how everything works and if you want you can do what I'm showing or try for yourself." Koko thanked the guy and then they got mud.

Well not literally mud more like clay or something but Seishu looked at it with disgust.

" This is mud." He said in a matter-of-fact voice. He got a look from Koko. " This is clay now let's start. What do you want to make a cup of something?"

" I don't care just get us out of here." Koko rolled his eyes and started without Seishu.

Eri's plan A seemed to work once again not. She looked around and grinned at Plan B all the way.

The man from before came and saw whatever this was that Koko created. He looked a little nervous between the two.

" You can if you want, just paint a few cups or bowls. They are made by the staff for customers to paint. Would you like one?" Koko and Seishu both ga a bowl and glass. Well, Seishu took the bowl and Koko the glass.

They concentrated on what they were painting and had small talk. Eri should start really with plan B next time this was perfect.

She could smell their love now stronger than before.

When they were finished they were told that they would be delivered to them when they got in the oven. Seishu gave them weird looks and they left.

" I don't trust them?" Koko looked surprised at that statement.

" Why? Did they do something?" Seishu looked away.

" I think they are trying to steal my bowl." Koko rolled his eyes.

" I can buy you a bowl right now, no, I can buy you a million." Seishu now gave him a look.

" The bowl was a present for Eri first and second, what about your cup? You seemed pretty invested with it." Koko glared at him.

" don't bring my cup into this." Seishu laughed at that and Eri let an excited sound out of her mouth.

Eri had pretty good eyes and she had seen it. How Koko blushed at Seishu who was laughing. She took a hundred pictures of it and grinned. Their dates were still not over.

This was only the beginning of whatever is coming next.



Alright, I have a good reason for ghosting you guys for a month, I had finals. They sucked, and I was sick when I wrote them. However, I try now to get a chapter out every week at least once, if not spam me with texts, alright? I need someone to kick my ass to work.

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