The job....

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Eri and Seishu were lying on the couch and looking at some show. They didn't have anything to do, well, until he saw them.

When Koko opened the door to Seishu's apartment, he didn't know what he should expect. Eri and Seishu cooking.... Yeah, no. Or maybe Seishu helping Eri with her homework... yeah..... no.

He found them like that and rolled his eyes.

" don't tell me you are watching this all day?" Eri didn't even look at him, and Seishu only let a sigh out.

" We weren't watching this all day." Koko was about to talk, but Eri continued.

" We are watching it since yesterday morning." He looked at her in disbelief.

" Eri you have school."

" Well, she had..." Seishu muttered and Koko glared at him. He walked to the TV and put it out. He got two different 'hey's.

" Seishu stop and go to work, you can't miss it like Eri." Seishu rolled his eyes and walked inside his room to get clean clothes.

Eri let an annoyed sigh out and now lay completely on the couch. Koko raised an eyebrow at her.

" Why aren't you going to school? Or hanging out with Emi? You can't keep missing school and not do anything." Eri raised an eyebrow at that.

" School is useless and Emi is on a date. I mean, why should I go to school? You're rich, and I will get all your money when you die. Until then, I'm not doing anything." That wasn't the right thing to say.

" So you think that you can just stay home and use my money however you like?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

" Pretty much."

Not the right thing to say, Eri....

" Well, seems like you now have something to do, Eri. Search for a job." When Koko took his first step, he was stopped.

" Whoa stop! Wait a damn minute!! What the hell, you mean getting a job?! Koko-melon I'm built like a stick, what are you expecting? The last time I had a job, they never called back! The kid I babysit was a total brat!" Koko rolled his eyes.

" You are smart, you will find something." When he was almost out of the door he turned around, " And Eri if I hear from Ran, Rindou, or just anybody that you want to become a stripper or pimp. You will be grounded for the rest of your life." She looked after him in disbelief.

She looked at her phone and called Emi.

" We have a problem...."


A few days later Koko once again walked inside Seishu's penthouse and found, this time only Seishu who was putting his shoes on.

" I was already on my way." Said Seishu with a roll of his eyes.

" Good, where is Eri?" Seishu looked at him surprised.

" You don't know? Eri is at her part-time job." Koko now looked surprised.

" Really? Where is it? No, don't tell me. It's probably at a bakery." Then he got an idea and took his phone out.

" What are you doing?"

" We are going to surprise Eri. You know where her job is, right?" Koko asked and put his phone to his ear. Seishu nodded and watched Koko call someone. This was not going to end well.


The person Koko called was Mikey who he told about the Job, Mikey told the others about it, and now they were in front of the building. Koko looked confused but still followed Seishu until they were met with a courtroom.

They sat down and Koko glared at Seishu, "What the hell did she do now?" Seishu looked confused and before could say anything the door opened. Eri came inside with a robe...

She sat down and looked bored, " can we get this started? I don't have all day." Seishu got a few glances from different eyes.

" What? She asked, and I have connections." Koko glared at him.

" Of course, you helped her." Before he could say more, Eri began to speak.

" So what did he do?" Eri asked the lawyer from someone.

" He is being suspected to have robbed a bank." Eri looks up from her phone.

"What the hell do you mean? He did it, or he didn't there is nothing in the middle... you know what." She pointed at the suspect, "You have this look on your face that you did, which I'm greatly offended that you didn't ask me to come with you."

She put her hammer down a few times, " dead. Get him out." She only glanced at him as he was bought out by the police.

Koko gave the smiling Seishu a look, " what, she's doing a good job."

"I agree," Mikey said with a smile and looked at Eri who glanced at her nails.

" Next criminal, please." Eri moved her hand as if to say keep moving.

" My client is suspected of burning a school down-" the person couldn't even finish.

" Wait a motherfucking minute!" Everyone was silent and Seishu started filming.

" You and you." Eri said pointing at two police officers, "Stop that and let him go."

" This man is a hero! You should get an award for this! Innocent!" The man looked at her weirdly but walked with his lawyer out.

" You tell me who the fuck made these rules?" Eri pointed at some police officer.

" uh, the government?" It came out as a question, and Eri rolled her eyes.

" From this day on there will be only one true rule and that is, whatever I decided is true! Get me the next person!"

Let's just say Eri got fired a few days later, and Koko never asked her again to get a part-time job.

Seishu however had good video material and Eri saved the money she got from her part-time job.

Everyone was happy to except Kisaki and maybe Izana.

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