Social Media #10

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Unfortunately, Christina didn't manage to be in Sochi for the Russian Grand Prix since she returned to America to work for the upcoming movie she was in. It wasn't a protagonist role, but that movie was more than expected to break every record to ever exist.

It was one of Christopher Nolan's movies, the Openheimer. A lot of people she had worked with before would star in that movie. And of course, when Christopher made her the offer, Christina was ecstatic.

It was now time for the Grand Prix in Singapore. Christina had just arrived at the hotel from a long tiring flight, and all she wanted was to go to bed. But she knew that as soon as she opened the door of her hotel room, all that would go away.

Because Charles was waiting for her.

"Mamma mia, she's finally here," Charles exclaimed as he basically ran towards her with excitement. They hadn't seen each other for two weeks, and after the summer they spent, being inseparable, that was way too long.

Charles wrapped his arms around her body and picked her up, making two turns. His lips touched hers, kissing her passionately. A huge smile formed on Christina's lips as they broke the kiss.

"I've missed you" she exclaimed placing her forehead against his. "Me too, mon coeur" Charles sighed in relief as he finally had her in his arms. The Monegasque made her wrap her legs around his waist, as he walked towards the bed while kissing her face.

"Charles, the door" Christina giggled as she pointed at the door of their room which was still open. "Right" Charles was quick to place her softly on the bed and run back, closing the door, before joining her again.

"I finally have you here all to myself" he smirked as he looked at how she was lying on his bed, waiting for him. Charles was quick to hover over her, kissing her lips hungrily as his hands caressed her thighs over her sweatpants.

"As much as I love this and want to continue. I have to shower first. I feel gross." Christina told him breaking up the kiss. "Okay, we shower then" Charles smirked picking her up once again.

Christina giggled as he carried her to the bathroom, kissing her neck while doing so. The Ferrari driver finally placed her on the feet, starting the water on their shower before returning all of his attention to her.

Christina looked at him with a small smile on her lips and a loving look. Those two weeks that they were apart were hard. And now she felt so relieved to finally be with him, even though she had to fly for 17 hours to achieve that.

"What?" Charles asked as he looked down at her. His arms wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer to his body. "I love you" she told him and Charles's smile widened.

"I love you, mon coeur" he whispered back before leaning in to kiss her. His manner now had changed. He was moving slower, with care like she would break in his arms right there and then.

Charles didn't fail to notice the signs. She was extremely tired. Her eyes were puffy, probably because she hadn't slept a minute during that flight and the bags under them proved his assumption real.

He was holding her cheeks in his hands before one of them slowly moved down her body. Caressing her skin as it did. Charles slowly started taking off her clothes, piece by piece, staring at each part of her as he took in her beauty.

"You're beautiful, mon coeur" he told her kissing her forehead and feeling her lean against his touch. With a little of her help, Charles took his clothes off as well and they got into the shower together.

Charles's soft hands moved all over her, her skin burning at each spot he touched. She knew that he wasn't trying to get anything out of this in return. She could tell just by the way he touched her that all this was an act of care.

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