SM#5 & Extra Scenes

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"Thank you, Charles." she said as they ended their interview. It was the end of the qualifying, and Charles had gotten pole position, so he was the last person she had to interview and the one she had to spend the most time with.

The driver gave her a soft smile, waiting for the camera to be turned off before he could talk to her. It was the first chance he got, and he didn't want to waste it.

But before he could say something, Christina turned her back on him and tried to walk away. Probably off to find Lewis or Chris Evans, who came with her to Miami for this race weekend.

"Can we talk?" he asked as he grabbed her arm, turning her around to look at her. Christina looked at him for a good second. Charles could see in her eyes that there was a battle going on inside her head. A part of her wanted to say yes but it wasn't stronger than the one which wanted to say no.

Christina shook her head softly before freeing herself from his grip and walking away for good. Charles sighed, bringing his hands to his face. Right now, he felt like lying on the track and allowing Max to run him over.

"Who was that, and why was he looking at you like that?" Chris asked Christina once she joined him. "Like you don't know who that is." Christina rolled her eyes as the two walked through the paddock and towards the Mercedes motorhome where they'd find Lewis.

"I swear that man is whipped. He spent a solid 15 minutes looking at you with heart eyes. " he shook his head, laughing at the situation. Christina felt the corners of her lips curl into a soft smile at the thought of Charles looking at her with such emotion that people around them could tell how he felt about her. She was quick to brush it off, however.

"He has a girlfriend, Chris," Christina said, reminding him of the gossip that was currently going around on the paddock. "Don't let a girlfriend stop you from finding your wife, I should tell him that."

"Chris, stop."

"Oh, come on. You didn't even let him explain what went down, and you believe the first gossip you hear about him!" Chris tells her.

"What are you a match maker now?" Christina scoffs, looking at her friend. When he said he'd join her for the Miami Grand Prix, Christina believed that he'd help her escape Charles, not push her towards him.

"Fuck acting, I'm cupid"

"Blond with blue eyes and a baby face. It checks out" Christina nods looking at her friend. "I don't have a baby face!"

"Whatever rocks your boat"


"Fine! You don't have a baby face" the girl chuckles. "Thank you. Now, you should leave me and go talk to him, learn what happened" Chris urges her. Christina shook her head in annoyance.

"Hello you two!" a female voice greeted the pair as they passed the Ferrari motorhome and it wasn't other than Isa, Carlos girlfriend. Someone who had proved to be a great friend of Christina during the racing weekends.

"Isa! The girl I was looking for" Chris said excited walking towards the girl. The blonde looked at him confused. They had met yesterday so this wasn't the reaction she expected while seeing Chris Evans once again.

"Have I ever told you how much I like you?" Chris asked her which made the Spanish girl cock an eyebrow. "We've only met once" the Spanish woman exclaimed. "So?"

"What do you want?" she asked.

"I want you to learn from Carlos, or Charles doesn't really matter, what is happening with their situation" Chris exclaimed pointing at the young actress beside him. "You are unbelievable! I give up" Christina raised her arms in surrender.

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