eyebrows - bucky barnes

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A/n - there may be grammar errors so please bare with me :) but this one is really nice i think

Both you and Bucky had just finished your mission. It was a 1 month mission, you had it together, thank God. Fury said you two were the perfect married couple for the mission, you had to pose as a married couple which was a coincidence as you were infact already a married couple for 5 years, you two created a unbreakable, amazing bond the day Steve brung Bucky to the compound, you two had been inseparable ever since. 

The mission was successful, you got what you needed and stopped who ever needed to be stopped. You both were pretty exhausted, and well... grubby. Currently, you were both sitted in your bath tub, covered in water and bubbles. Your back layed on Bucky chest as his fingers danced across your skin. Your head layed on his broad shoulder, eyes closed as Bucky let his chin settle on your shoulder, occasionally pressing a light kiss to your bare skin. 

"Baby.." You hummed, not opening your eyes. Replied with a soft 'mm'. "Will you let me do your eyebrows?" You ask nicely, letting your hands settle on top of his that were currently gently caressing you thighs and waist. "Like that thing you did two months ago?" He asked, his breath tickling your neck. "Yeah" You mumbled, slightly giggling, moving your hand to his stubbly face, stratching his cheek lovingly with one hand, other still locked in his. He sighed, knowing what you meant now. 

"Will it make you happy?" He chuckled, placing another kiss directly beneath your ear. You turned around in his arms, to straddle him, letting your hands take hold of his prickly face. "Yes! Yes, it will make me very happy!" You exclaimed, kissing his lips in a long awaited kiss. His hands made it's way around your waist, bringing you closer to him even though there was exactly no space between you what's so ever. 

He hummed in appreciation, trying to kiss you harder, before he could you pulled away to look in his eyes excitedly. He whined which caused you to laugh at his childish behavior. "Please?" You pouted, knowing he would give in. "Fine" He grumbled. You let out a excited noise, which made him chuckle and place a kiss to your neck as you reached behind him to grab you tweezers. Returning back to your spot again, you looked at him grinning widely, making him rolls his eyes playfully. 

You brung the tweezers close to his eyebrows with your other hand placed on the side of his face. "Ready?" You asked giddyly, like a child opening presents on christmas day. Bucky chuckled at your behaviour, kissing you again, not being able to contain himself. He loves you more then anything in this entire world. "Mhm" He hummed gently, pulling away so you could proceed. You wasted no time in plucking the hairs that had grown out side the line of his eyebrow. 

He twitched at the action but didn't stop you, wanting to make you happy. You giggled before continuing to pluck at his hairs. As you procceded to pluck at the hairs you looked down to his eyes. So blue. Your smile only grew to find him already staring intently and softly at you, admiring you. Both fo you enjoying the humble moment, you plucked at another hair causing him to groan. 

"Ow!" He grunted, pouting at you. You laughed, but then feeling bad for his face and for laughing at him, you kissed his eyebrow as if it would make it feel better. "I'm sorry" You said, still slightly laughing. "It's not funny, doll!" He whined, leaning into you, enjoying your lips on his face. "It kind of is, bubba" You giggled. 

After some time, you had finished both eyebrows. Pulling back, studying his face, a proud smile took over your face. "I did a good job" You mused, plopping the tweezers back behind him. He was playfully glaring at you, slightly smirking. "Do you want to know what else you do a good job at?" He snared, leaning in to kiss you, needing to feel your lips on his. His hads travelled a little lower to sqeeze your ass, causing you to squeal in his mouth, which made him laugh. 

"You are unbelievable" You giggle, pulling back only for him to place hot kisses to you neck and chest, you let your hand move to the back of his neck, scratching the back of his head, running your fingers through his hair, other hand running up and down his bare strong back. "Unbelievably cute" He corrected, looking back up at you in awe. You were everything to him, he is so madly inlove with you it fucking hurts. 

"Unfortunatly, yes, yes you are" You stated, smirking down at him. He loved when you smirked at him like that, and you knew he did. He couldn't help himslef, he pounced onto you, pushing you over so you were now on your back and he was hovering over to of you, trapping you in his arms in a heated make out. 

That smirk always got him. "You're gonna regret you did that, doll" He muttered against your lips. 

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