matching pt 2 - bucky barnes

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A/n - request from @Potatolover6000 also smut warning! also sorry, this may not be good, i rushed it a bit. 

5 months had passed now. And you had spent most of that time with Bucky. You two had grown very keen on each other. You two were practically inseprable, you were with each other all the time, and no, it wasn't just that fact that you both had metal limbs, it was a genuine, strong connection. In all honesty, you both were in love with each other. I know its a bit cliché but you both had no idea about the other infatuation. 

Where ever you were, Bucky seemed ot be there too. Bucky had gornw very comfortable around you. Aside from Steve, you were his favourite person. Not that you cared that he was always with you because you didn't you loved being around him. You always want to be around he. Always.

However, it's kind of hard to be around him when he's on a mission. Yeah, he's on a mission. And you were not happy. The rest of the team found it sort of ammusing how, when either you or Bucky were away on a mission or etc, the other person would act differently, sadder, not like how they usually act.

It was the final day of Bucky and Steve's mission, yes, it was only 5 days but in your defence 5 days is pretty long. In those 5 days, you had been downer then you were normally. You are probably one of the most cherry, energetic people on the team and when you were sad the team could almost sence it, and you were sad mostly when Bucky wasn't around.

"When will they get here?" You asked for the 1304845th time to Tony who happend to be walking past the kitchen, which is where you, Nat and Wanda were planted, making cookies (well, Wanda was doing more of the making, you and Nat were very muchly not making anything).

"Y/n, I swear to Go-" "Just answer her, she will not stop asking unless you tell her" Nat interupted. "I've told her like 20 times thoug-" "Just tell her, Tony" Wanda interupted this time. Tony sighed deeply. "I pretty sure the're ar-" "I would like to inform you that Captain Rogers and Sargeant Barnes have arrived back from their mission" F.R.I.D.A.Y interupted next. "Right, thank you, Jesus, women these days"

You didn't even fully hear what F.R.I.D.A.Y said, all you heard was "I would like to inform you that Captain Rogers and Sargeant Barnes have arrived.." and that was it, you ran, straight to the back entrance, to where you knew Bucky and Steve would be coming in through.

Running toward the entrance full speed, you caught a glimse of Bucky and Steve walking toward the tower. Bucky small smile turned into a full grin when he saw you sprinting toward him, you had a equally as big grin on your face too. Steve let you two have your moment, watching carefully with a soft smile plastered on his face, watching his bestfriend be happy for once.

When you closer he began running toward you as well, dropping whatever he was holding, opening his arms for you to jump into to. Which you gladly accepted. 

"Hey, doll" You whispered in your ear, spinning you around off of the ground, holidng you tight as you cling to him. "Hi" You whisper back, all smiles, feeling him sigh contently into your neck, which sent a chill through your spine. After you were both finished, Bucky set you down, you went over to Steve and spoke with him for a little, hugging him after before going over to Bucky again, he flung his metal limb over your shoulder as you three made your way over toward the tower. You held on to his metal fingers with your flesh ones, your metal hand around his torso. 

"Hey! Look whose back!" Sam exclaimed, clapping his hands. everyone went over to consult in them, giving the two super soldier a hug or pat on the back. Considering they weren't really banged up at all. Only a few cuts and bruises on their arms and face. "It's late, i'll start makng dinner" You decleared to the team while they all blethered along with eachother, receiving a few different "yeahs, yups and thank yous" from your team. 

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