babysitting - bucky barnes

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"I'm gonna get you!" You snare, running over to Morgan, Tony's little girl as she squealed excitedly, running as fast as her little legs would take her away from you. Clint's two younger children Lila and Nathaniel were just chilling on the couch watching a movie you put on with Wanda's oldest kid Tommy while Cooper, Clint's oldest child and Peter chilled in Peter's room playing video games and hopefully doing some homework as you asked. 

Yes, you were babysitting all the Avengers children, you wanted to give all the Avengers a break while reminding them they are in safe hands, you had it all under control, you knew where everyone was, it was all just peachy... until you started to get tired. While running after Morgan, you noticed Wanda's youngest child Billy hopped on the couch next to his big brother. Good, now you know where he is too.

Morgan was laughing hysterically, absolutly enjoying you chasing her. We were both passing the living room where all the kids were set when the elevator dinged. You caught up with Morgan lifting her up in the air and catching her with ease. "Gotcha!!" You exclaimed. She screamed and laughed as you caught her, wrapping her little arms around you neck along with her tiny legs around your torso as you held her.

The elevator door slowly opened to reveal none-other then your best friend, Nat. She walked past the couch where all the kids were, sending them a friendly wave and made her way over to you and Morgan. "I thought me, you and Wanda were having a girls night tonight?" Nat whined to you as she dramaically dropped her head onto your shoulder. "No, I told you, like, a couple days ago that I was going to be baby sitter these stinkers" You said, patting her back, like a baby.

"Well, you know, I hasn't listening" She whined, pulling away from you, to notice that you wre holding a now sleeping Morgan. "Oh. There's a little child" She whispered, eyeing Morgan down. You roll your eyes playfully, walking past her and toward a little spear bed, not far away so you could keep a eye on her. Placing her down and tucking her in you notice Nat followed you in here. "You look like shit" Is all she said. 

You hair was a mess from running and you were obviously tired as heck. "Oh, well, thanks so much, you're such a sweetheart" You snicker, glaring at her, walking out of the room as she followed and closing the door ajar. "I'm just saying, you should go to sleep, babe, just for a litte bit" Nat said. "And whose going to look after the kids, hm?" You say. "Uh- I will for a little, not long, just enough for you to take a nap" She tried to reasure you. "No" "Why! I am perfectly capable of looking after a few kids-" "No, anyone but yo-" "Please Y/n/n! I'll tell Bucky you like hi-" "Fine!" You give in. Nat smiled devilishly, grabbing your shoulders and pushing to toward the elevator to your floor to take a long deserved nap. 

She helped you into bed quickly before making her way out of your room. "Good night!" She sang, slamming your door shut. You didn't even reply, you just turned your body around and almost immediately fall asleep. 


You don't know how long you've been asleep but you had woken up to light whispers as you're door shut closed very quietly but enough for you to wake up. You don't know if you were just imagining it or if you were going delirious because those tiny whispers sounded a little like Nat at first, or maybe even the kids. 

Out of curiosity, you decide to get up and also you were now wide awake. You open your door, expecting something to pop out, out of no where, but... nothing. And nothing's down the hall either. 

Then, you hear a very familiar voice, that you have grown very fond off. That voice would belong to Bucky Barnes. Yes, you had a huge crush on him, how could you not, he was perfect and caring and sweet, not to mention extremelly attractive and he had also happend to have grown very fond fo you too, ever since he had met you he had spent every day with you, but of course, you thought nothing of it, you just thought he liked to spend time with you as a friend and like to be around you as a friend

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