sunburnt - bucky barnes

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A/n - all grammar mistakes and errors are mine :)

On the occasional day, the avengers didn't have anything to do. No missions, no meetings, no nothing. Just a whole lot of relaxing and spending time together as a team. 

Today was one of those days. Tony decided that he wanted to take all of us to one of his beach houses not that far away from the tower. Excluded to the public of course, so no one would recognise us. 

So we all packed just a little something, enough items for about a day and a little bit. 

Right now, we were all situated at the beach. Me, Nat and Wanda were tanning on our long chairs that the boys so kindly brought out for us. 

Bucky, your boyfriend of almost 3 years and Steve, Sam, Tony, Bruce, Scott, Thor, Clint and Vision were all splashing about in the beach water infront of you. What children. Who are you kidding, you three girls will probably end up doing the same when you've finished tanning. 

You girls were talking about anything and everything when you all noticed the boys get out of the water and walk over to you three. 

"Well, hello" Bucky cooed at you, smirking slightly. You know he loves the bikini that you're wearing right now, it's his favourite, it was just a simple blue and white one, but he thought you looked phenomenal in it, with that pretty face, pretty body-

"Hi, you" You murmur back at him, giggling slightly and biting your lips, loving the way he was looking at you as he stands infront of your chair, smirking down at you.  

He was just in his swim shorts, wet hair, wet body, such a broad and buff body, all for you.

"Aye, guys, keep it PG, alright?" Sam snarls at us, giving us a knowing look, looking at the faces me and Bucky were making at each other. 

You a Bucky laugh at Sam before he moves away when Steve speaks to him. Everyone's in thier ownconversation. 

Bucky comes over to sit down on your chair with you, easily lifting your perfect legs up and off the chair and onto his lap. Keeping his hands on your shins, rubbing your soft skin. 

"Why're you so far away, my love?" You ask Bucky, nudging his thigh with your foot. "C'mere" You add. 

He moves straight away, standing up off the chair and soon lifting you up off teh chair, then sitting back down, with you in his lap. Your back to his chest, with both your legs out straight, your feet crossing over. 

His arms wrap around your waist. Even when, your sitting on top of him and he's sitting, he is still bigger then you. Like twice the size, he's that buff. 

He rests his chin on your shoulder. "Have I told you how phenomenally, remarkably, perfectly incredible you look today, doll?" He asks sweetly, kissing you cheek multiple times. 

"Yes, you have" You chuckle, when he squeezes a little bit. "Well, I'm just telling you again. Aaand especially in this bikini, fuckin-"

"Alright guys!" Bucky was cut off which made you giggle, turning your head to kiss his face. he loosened his arms just a little bit for you to shuffle side ways, so you were sitting side ways on him. Leaning your head on his chest and neck area, somewhere inbetween there, holding his buff, metal arm. 

"What do we want for dinner?" Steve yells, so we all hear. Everyone yelled out types of food they wanted for dinner, but the winner ended up being Pizza, so Tony ordered us some pizza, different types, knowing that some of us were fussy and didn't like pineapple on pizza. 

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