love at first sight - bucky barnes

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Tonight was one of Tony's famous parties, Tony always went all out for his parties, they were loud and quite chaotic. You weren't a big fan of them, today's type of parties were a bit overwheleming but you went to all of them anyways. Nat and Wanda always made you aswell. You three were actually getting ready for this party now. 

Nat was wearing a tight dark green short dress, that looked stunning of her, while Wanda wore a red short flowy dress that was so gorgeous. Nat and wanda were putting on somemake up while you changed into your dress right behind them. 

It was a long jet black dress that had a little slit down the side, that fit you amazingly. Finally getting the dress on, Nat whipped her head around and wolfed whistled you. "Oh my God, you look so hot!" She exclaimed, smiling widely. Wanda was the next to turn around and take a look at you. 

"Ahhhhhh! You look so pretty, Y/n/n!" She practically screamed. "Oh my God, stop! Look at you two!" You exchanged. Thye both giggled knowing that you didn't like having the attention always on me. You plopped down on Nat's lap abruptly, causing her to yelp and wanda to chuckle at her best friends. "Can you do you make-up please" You asked. 

"Fine" She whined and got you a seat to sit on so she could do your make-up as she was finished with her own. "Thank you for letting me borrow this dress by the way" You mumbled letting your eyes close as she got started with your make-up. "All good, babe" She hummed back. Once she was down, we all did our hair. 

Shoving our shoes on we quickly make our way down stairs, through the elevator.  Even though you hated these parties and how they were, you were just happy you got to spend some more time with your friends, that were practically family, without any missions and assignments to deal with. 

Ding! The elevator rang as the doors began to open. You could already hear the music playing on the other side of the door, thats how loud it was. The song Time of Our Lives by Pitball and Ne-Yo played through the speakers. There were people dancing everywhere, grinding on eachother. Couples everwhere sucking on eachothers faces. Gross. Why did I have to be born in this era?

You three scanned the room to try and find the rest of the team, to find them huddled in the corner at a table to themselves. You all made your way over to them, arms linked together, you in the middle. Louds of men were gawking at you, eyes literally following you three. To say you three were attractive was a understatment. 

"Hey!!" Tony's voice caught your attention. "Took you guys long enough!" Sam yelled over the blaring music. We all made small talk with all the Avengers. We all sat down and got drinks when Nat slipped away with Bruce and Wanda went away with Vision. You sat awkwardly with your drink in your hand at your table, scanning the room full of people. Some you knew, some you didn't. 

A tap on your shoulder brought you out of your trance. Whipping your head around you found Steve staning behind you with a wide smile on his face. "Hi Y/n!" He yelled over the loud music. "Hey Steve!" You smile kindly at him. "I just wanted to introduce you to someone, you know, since your new, this guy ahs been on a mission for the past 8 months, so you havn't met him yet but, yeah, this is my best bud, Bucky" Steve explained, motioning to the tall guy next to him. 

You two locked eyes. Both eyes widening, not in shock, but in awe at eachother. Neither of you made a move, just gawked at eachother. Steve stood awkwardly to the side of both of you, eyes bouncing between you and Bucky. "Uh, do you know eachother?" Steve asked, concerned. "Um- uh no, we don't" Bucky studdered. You shook your head as in a way to say you agree with him. 

"Oh" Is all Steve could come up with. After another mintue of you and Bucky just scanning eachothers faces and body, Bucky actually spoke. "Uh- I- me, I'm Bucky" He studdered out, lifting his hand for you to shake. "Yeah-yes, I'm Buck-, oh, I'm not Bucky, you're Bucky, I'm Y/n, yeah that's right" You studdered back, shaking his hand slowly, completely embarassing yourself. 

A chuckle from youe side from Steve, shook you both out of your trances. "Well..I'm just going to leave now" Steve stated, smirking just a little. A blush slowly made its way over both of your cheeks, making both your faces a red colour. Only now did you just realize that you two were still holding hands. Both your eyes snap toward you connected hands. 

You both snatch your hands away, completly embarassed. "Well- i'm buck- I already said that" He interupted himself. You giggled and Bucky honestly thought he died for a second, that feeling was soon washed away with more embarassment. You look around see a couple, drinking. Yes, drinks! "Uh, do you want to grab a uh drink, with me?" You suggest. "Um, yes yes, I would" He replies. "Ok, good, yeah" You studdered. Oh my God, shut up Y/n. "This way" Bucky motioned to the bar. 

You two slowly made your way over to the bar, sliding into a bar stool, you both ordered your drinks, Bucky payed for yours, which was really sweet, no matter how much you would say that it was fine and that you could pay, Bucky would not take no for a answer.

You two had only just met, and it felt as if you had known eachother for years, like catching up with a old friend, except a old friend that you felt very nervous around, not in a scared way, oh no way. You two slowly opened up with eachother, the longer you weer around eachother. you both had no idea that hours had passed. "Woah, time flies" Bucky stated, not taking his eyes off of you for a second. 

"Yeah" You chuckle. "Uh- you're very, not to sound creepy or anything, but- you- you're very beautiful" Bucky blabbered on. You blushed majorly, your whole face turning red. "It's not creepy, its nice, you'r very handsome too and thank you" You chuckled nervously. This time, it was his turn to turn red, his heartbeat quickening by alot. "Uh- thank you, doll" He studdered back. 

"It's kind of hot in here, do you want go outside and get some fresh air?" You suggest. "Yeah, that might be a good idea" He replied. Both of your standing up to make your way out to the balcony, you hadn't realized it yet but yours and Bucky's hands were entwined, just a natural habit now. 

As you both stepped out in the open, the light wind hit your flushed faces, perfectly. You buffed out a breath, loving the feel of the wind blowing through your hair nicely. You look to your right, to look at Bucky, to find he was already looking at you. You offer a soft smile, which he gladly returned. 

"What is it?" You wondered. "There's something about you, Y/n" He hummed, pulling on your hand to face him, you two were really close right now, you could practically feel his minty, warm breath on you face. "I hope that's a good thing" You chuckle. "It is" He whispered, his eyes bouncing between both of yours. "Well, i'm glad the feeling a mutual" You add, letting a smile spread across your face. 

He returned the gestire before placing his other hand on your cheek, gently running his thumb over you reddened, soft cheek. "Can I kiss you?" He asked, feeling your other hand travel up to his chest. All you could manage to do was nod. So Bucky leant down to press his lips to yours. As soon as boht yours lips connected, they moved together. The feeling was heavenly. The hand that was on his chest now traveled up to his hair, combing through it. One of his hands lay on your cheek while the other travaled down to your waist. 

Bucky slowly pulled away after some time, his heart going crazy in his chest. "Are you okay?" He asked, not wanting to go over board with you. "Yes" You whispered. You rested your head against Bucky's letting the wide smile take over your face, Bucky doing the same. 

"You kissed me" You said, giddily. Bucky chuckled, "Yeah, I did" He replied. You two didn't move from your spot, hands still in the same place. You moved your hands to cup both of his cheeks, he moved his hands so they were both resting on your waist, bring you closer to him. You let you thumbs run over his stubbly cheeks for speaking. "Can you please do it again?" You ask, a shy smile spreading across your face. 

To this Bucky chuckled but not being able to resist you he in fact did kiss you again. "Is it possible to find the love of your life the first day you meet them?" Bucky asked you, pulling away slightly from the kiss, just enough for your lips and noses to still touch. "Yes, it is possible, because I think it's happening right now" You mumble back, pressing your lips to his again, needing to feel them. 

A/n - idek. i like it but i don't lol.

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