dating bucky would include...

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= training together.

= somehow always in contact, whether it be holding hands, his hand resting somewhere on you, etc. 

= cuddles. all the time. 

= literally always together, practically inseparable, if you're there, Bucky will be there. the team, or anyone in fact, could never find you and Bucky separate. 

= deep conversations about his past in the 40s. 

= lots and lots of kisses. everywhere. 

= talking about you're guys' future together, knowing you will be together forever. 

= him following you around everywhere.

= him carrying you around.

= though you guys have been together for a long time, you guys always manage to make each other blush like a couple of teenagers. even for the silliest of reasons. 

= protecting each other on missions. 

= listening to music together and just chilling in bed. 

= taking showers together. 

= teaching him how to use modern technology. 

= cooking and baking together. 

= him telling you he's going to marry you one day, on a everyday basis. 

= lots and lots and lots and lots of 'i love yous' are said through out the day. 

= comforting him when he has a nightmare or when he ever doubts himself. 

= him comforting you when ever your stressed or when ever you're doubting yourself. 

= him dealing with you and you're mood swings when you're on your period. 

= daily heated make out sessions that obviously lead to mind blowing sex. 

= speaking of, sex. lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of sex. everytime you and Bucky have sex, it's never boring, it's always perfect and absolutely mindbogoling

= you playing with his hair, or trying new hair styles while he patiently lays in between your legs, enjoying you playing with his hair. 

= Bucky taking you on cute dates when ever he gets the chance.

= having little spa days when ever you guys don't have mission or meetings to go to.

= watching movies with the team, while hogging one couch and cuddling on it so no one else sits on it too.

= him always starting conversations about babies, how many babies will you have together?, what will their names be?

= him always calling you sweet old-fashioned nick names such as doll, sweetheart, darling etc.

= him randomly dancing around the tower with you and singing rather loudly whilst you both dance.

= you two both talking about random stuff when both of you can't sleep late at night and trying hard not laugh and wake up the whole team.

= him randomly giving you huge bear hugs when least expect it.

A/n - im gonna do lots of these, like lots of 'dating bucky would include...' things bc i think they're cutsie :) also im very very very sorry for not being very active on here, ive just been relaxing for the past month, 2023 was very stressful lol. i have a lot of diff imagines coming up for you all, they're just in the process of being made. if you want me to do this type of thing with diff characters played by sebastian just let me know. anyways love you all sm :) 

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