meeting him - bucky barnes

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"Everyone, meet James, my best friend" Steve announced, motioning to the brunette standing next to him. His hair was just above his shoulder, he had a little bit of a stubble, he's tall really tall and the outfit he was wearing was doing little to hide his amazing figure. 

Right now, you and all your team members were scattered across the common room, getting ready to meet the infamous old friend of Cap's. Steve told us loads about him already, so we would know what to expect and already know some info about him. 

"Hi" He said quietly, almost a whisper. Everyone went up one by one to greet him or shake his hand, once they greeted him, they went back to what they were doing before hand, lastly is was you're turn, you walked up to the shy super soldier and held out your hand politely. 

He looked down at you, his steel baby blue eyes locking with you're y/e/c eyes, both of you forgetting what was going on around you and focusing on only eachother. Still looking into your eyes his hand came in contact with yours. 

"Welcome to the team, James" You said almost out of breath. "Please, call me Bucky, and thank you.." He said shyly. "OH- my name's Y/n but you can call me Y/n/n" You smiled. You saw a blush creep up on Bucky cheeks as he smiled back down at you. You heart beat picked up which somehow Bucky could sence, but before he could reply, Steve spoke up again. 

"Buck, i'll take you to you're room, you're on me and Y/n/n's floor aswell" Steve said to Bucky, snapping both of us out of our trances. 

Little did both of you know, is that you two quickly became best friends, you and Bucky just clicked, you bonded as if you were already knew eachother, you guys hung out almost eveyday since you two met, what you two were both oblivious to was that you both had infatuations for each other, very intense and huge infatuations for eachother. Some how you both didn't seem to know, but every one on the team did. 

One night, Bucky couldn't sleep, he tossed and turned, he just couldn't seem to fall asleep, he found himself always coming back to you. Huffing out a breath he shoved the covers off of him and made his way to your room that was just next to his. He didn't bother knocking, he always slept in your room when he couldn't sleep or just if he wanted to be around you. 

As he opened your door, he walked up to your bed and looked down at your beautiful sleeping form. Even though your back was faced to him, you some how looked so peaceful. He moved your duvet and crawled in your bed to spoon you. He wrapped his broady arms around you waist and hoisted you closer to him, pushing his face in the crook of your neck, inhailing you scent, you always smelled so good. 

You woke up to the feel of Bucky's arms saftely wrapped around you, you knew it was Bucky, he normally did this, not that you care, you sometimes sneaked into his room and crawled into his arms when ever you wanted to, you and Bucky took slept in eachothers room probably every single night, neither of you cared, you loved it. 

You hummed out a little "Hi Bucky" still sort of half asleep, lacing your arms over Bucky's that were still wrapped around you. Bucky placed a sweet kiss to the top of your head before returning his head back to the crook of your neck. "Hi doll" He hummed back. "Can't sleep?" You asked. You feel him nod his head against your neck. 

You reach your hand up and run your fingers through his long locks soothingly. He sighs into you at the feel. "I'm kinda hungry" You break the silence as you turn around in his arms so your facing him now, your arms wrapped around his torso, face smushed into his chest. Bucky laughs through his nose as he tightens his arms around you and shoves his face in your hair. 

You push on him until he's on his back, you lay on him for a second before crawling off of him and off the bed. "Nooo, where are you going" He whines as he manages to grab your wrist. "I'm going to the kitchen, i'm hungry" You whisper as you place a kiss on him temple, he loosens his grip on your wrist as you do so. 

He groans as you turn away and head to the door, you hear a loud thud behind you, you turn around to see a very tired Bucky getting up from the floor and following you. You giggle at him. As you open your door, you felt Bucky's arms slide around you waist, somehow he manuvered you so he was carrying you, you quickly locked your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. 

He walked you both to the kitchen as you were hungry. With you still in his grasp he opens the fridge and grabs some strawberries. He opened the container and washed a few of them. "Doll" He whispered as he placed you on the counter infront of him as he wedged his way inbetween your legs. "Mhm" You hummed still kind of half asleep from when Bucky was carrying you. 

"Open" He said. "Mm, I can feed myself, thank you very much, Mr" I said my sas coming through. He chuckled "I know but I like to feed you" He smiled. The only light that washed through the room was from the moon above and a little light from the small bulb above you. That was enough for you two to see eachother perfectly. 

You rolled your eyes, how could you say no to him? You opened your mouth as he popped the strawberry in your mouth. You huffed and started munching aggresivly, Bucky tried his hardest to contain his laughter. "What are-- you ---doing?" He studdered laughing quietly. "I'm hunGRY, leave me alone, Bucky" You shushed him putting a finger on his lips. He playfully bit you finger before grabbing another strawberry for you and himself. 

You two talked and talked for hours, just munching on your strawberries, laughing, connecting. You two sort of lost track of time, it was now around 5:00 in the morning. "Woah" You said out of the blue. "What? What's wrong?" He said looking around frantically. "It's 5 in the morning" You said. 

"Oh-" You two burst into laughter, you don't know why, you just do, nothing was funny, it wasn't awkward laughter, it was genuine. You both calm down after a while. Trying to catch eachothers breaths. You both are just giggling now. Bucky stops and just looks at you. Admiring your face, and your smile, your laugh, you everything. You look so beautiful. 

You look at Bucky to find he was already staring at you. You eye him suspisiously. "Wha-" You got cut of as a pair of warm and soft lips attach to yours. You mumble in his mouth for a second, stunned by whats happening. Soon, you melt into the kiss, wrapping your arms around Bucky's neck, he's slither around you and grip you hips, pulling you closer to him, not thats theres any space between you. He wraps his arms around your waist after. 

Both your lips are moving in perfect sync, light smoothing sounds escaping both your lips. He feel his tough lightly brush against you bottom lip and you gladly open you mouth for him. You gasp and lock your legs around his waist when your toughs meet eachothers, a soft moan leaves your throat. Bucky groans at that. 

You two are full on making out right now, in the middle of your kitchen at 5 in the morning, God he's wanted to do that for a long time and so have you, you two are going to tell eachother that. Just as Bucky was about to carry you again and go back to your bedroom, you and Bucky hear a crackling speaker sound, like FRIDAY but not. You both pull away, breathless, confused. Until..... you hear Tony's voice come through the speaker. 

"Jezuz, fuck, finally, the whole team has been waiting here for the last 10 hours, praying that one of you would make a fucking move, congrats love birds, now, get a room, my Lord" Tony states. You and Bucky both look at eachother, lips red from kissing so hard. You both let out a huff as Bucky pecks your lips a few times. 

"I'll explain everything soon, right now, respectfully, I really gotta have you, Doll" Bucky says, lifting you into his arms once again, carrying you to his room. "M'kay" You giggle and you two continue your make out session, that Tony and the team so rudely interupted. 

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