oops - bucky barnes

798 18 4

A/n - not smut but quite suggestive, all grammar mistakes are mine. also happy mothers day !!

Your eyes start to open, adjusting to the light that cracked through one of your big windows. The first thing you feel is the warm that incased your body. Not just from the nice sun but from the big super soldier, right beneath you. 

The feel of his bare skin against yours made you want to go to sleep again. then, you felt his metal limb on your lower back and his flesh one holding your thigh. You had one hand on his chest, right above his heart, while your other hand and arm was beneath him. Your head just settled nicely, on his chest, your cheek slightly smushed. 

One of your legs bent, so it would lay on his crouch area, that where his flesh hand was at, holding your leg. His face smushed against the top of your head, right where your hair line is. 

Streching your arms out, you let out a light huff of breath. You decide to sit up, letting the white sheets fall of your bare chest, exposing you to the sun. Rubbing your eyes with one hand, the other hand reaches behind you to rub Bucky's chest up and down, provoking him to wake up. He lets out a small, sweet mumble. "Mm, Y/n". You smile at your newly husband. 

The more you become concious and wake up fully, the more you feel like you are forgetting something. Oh welp, s'probably nothing. You think to yourself. You look back at Bucky to see he is still peachfully sleeping, and has unconciously brought his up to yours that was settle on his chest. 

It's okay, he can sleep all he wants. To be fair, he did do all the work last night. He has the stamina like no other, he literally pleasured you until you couldn't take it anymore. 

You giggle lightly, thinking about the previous night, very magical. You crawl on top of him again, straddling him, each of your forearms were settled on each side of his beautiful head. You lean into his face, kissing his cheeks, forehead, chin, temples, and of course lips, repeatedly until he stirred awake. He reached up to gently grab your sides, and then wrap his arms around your torso to pull you down completely on him. 

"Good morning, my big, buff, bad, beautiful, bulky, brisky, breath taking, baby Bucky-" you were interupted by Bucky, who quickly tackled you, so you were on the bottom now. You squealed when he attacked you with kisses, all over your face and neck and chest, just anywhere he could reach. You wrap your arms around his neck, lovig the feel of his lips on your skin.

"Good morining, my beautiful, amazing, perfect, smart, funny, talented, bad ass, kind of scary-" He started but got cut off by you. "No! That's not how it works, you meant to use words that start with the same letter as my name!" You state, still giggling, which he loves. He smiles big, just as big as yours, before answering you. "It's too early for that, Doll" He whines like a child. You lightly laugh at him when he goes in to kiss you neck some more. You grab the sides of his neck before he could. 

He whined, wanting to kiss you soft, lushious skin. He squeezed the sides of your torso in defeat, when you say that "We have to get ready, no kissing until we are dressed because I know what will happen if we kiss right now, and I don't think we need anymore, we got a lot of that last night-" You were cut of again. "There is no such thing as more the enough sex! I'll have sex with my wife as much as she'll let me." Your husband states. 

"And she'll let you have sex with her as many time as you want. Buuuut, not right now" You say to Bucky. "As many times as I want, huh?" He mumbled, going in to kiss your lips, which you let him do but only for a few second, before pulling away, to which he whined at. 

"Now, get up!" You say because right now, he was completely laying on top of you, still whining like a baby. He groans loudly, not wanting to move away from you. "No!" He grunts out, tightening his arms around you, being mindful of his weight as he is still a super soldier and is a lot heavier then the average men, keeping in mind you are a lot smaller and shorter then him aswell, although it's like you have the strength of 10 men, he's watched you take on 20 with your bare hands and with no help-

"Bucky!" You squeal and laugh when he started to fall asleep again. "Get up!" You lay your cold hands on his bare back to make him move. It only make him grunt and shuffle a lot. You move your hands to the back of him head, running your slender fingers through his brunette locks. You can't help it, he's so incredibly adorable. 

You huff. "I'll tell you what. You get up and get dressed and ready with me and you can have a shower with me and we can do more then just shower-" You just finished you sentence before he slowly rolled off of you. "You breasts are very comfortable-"


"Ok, i'm going, i'm going" 

He sat up and moved the sheets off of him and slowly stood up in his naked glory, his little bum on display. Right as he stood up, your focus shifted toward the alarm clock that sat on your bed side table. The clock read, 8:53

You furrowed your eyebrows slightly. "Uh, Bucky"

"Yes, Doll, look i'm being a good Bucky and getting ready-"

"No, no, it's not that, it's just uh- did, did we have a meeting today?" Tearing your eyes away from the clock to look at Bucky who was already looking at you.  

His confused face slowly turned into a serious one, widening his eyes. Making you do the exact same. You fling the covers off your body and sprint to your closet, holding your boobs to keep them in place as you run, and Bucky quickly finds some sutible clothes, quickly chucking them on. You are right beside him, look at your side of the walk in closet that you both share. 

He some how got dressed in under 30 seconds while you were still finding you undergarments. "Buck, Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, Buck, Bucky" You chant when you have trouble finding your stuff, rummaging through everything. "Here, here" He says back instantly finding both the undergarments you needed, slapping your bare ass on the way and kissing you lips when you puckered them. 

And just like that, a nice morning turned into a very chaotic one...Oops?

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