that guy pt 1- lance tucker

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A/n - theres going to be multiple parts to this, because its real long, yes there will have smut in them, so feel free to skip if its not your thing and makes you uncomfy, smuts not in this one tho. the pov is rly confusing, i just realised lmao, so so sorry babies. please ignore the grammer errors :) 

You were a gymnast, Y/n Y/l/n, 17 years old, the best one in your town, everyone knew that, Hope Ann Gregory was you coach, so you gave her all the credit, even though before her you were self trained along with the help of a few other coaches. You are determined, talented, strong, clever and beautiful, extremely beautiful, beautiful body, lean and toned, long legs, long arms and beautiful face. 

Coach Hope, was very wise in your opinion, not only training you to be the best gymnast in this town but she also gave you very, very good advice, 'shes very experienced', she says. 

She's told me multiple times, to not end up like Maggie Townsend, she was the last person from this town to place Gold in the Olympics, she completely turned on Hope and joined Lance Tucker's team, you know what happened after that ..

Coach Hope has told me quite a lot about what that guy is like and what's happened, Lance Tucker, she told me it's best not to hang around him, how ever you can play him if you want, fuck him with protection obvi, then leave him, act like you could care less about him, make him feel worthless, that's what she's said to me before, she said I could sell him with my looks. 

You've never seen the guy, she's never shown you a picture (didn't have any on her phone and didn't want to search him up), and you're parents never really let you watch TV, so you wouldn't have seen him on the TV for being a gold medallist, you don't really care about him though or what he looks like, you just care about your gymnastics passion and friends their, my family and my friends at school. 

Right now, you were currently on your way to the gym, you're parents were dropping you off, as you didn't have a car because they thought it was too dangerous for only a 17 year old, they said you could do what ever you wanted when you turned 18. You held on to that. 

Before leaving, you slipped into your uniform, a red that faded into blue leotard that had white detailing, that clung to your body like a second skin. You also had some comfy baggy shorts on too, which you would take off when you started working. You're y/h/c hair was just in a lazy low bun while you had a pair of white Nike sneakers on, along with you're duffle bag gripped in your hand. Keeping in mind that today wasn't a private lesson, so there would be other students there. 

Soon, the gym hall came into view, you quickly gathered up your stuff, pressing a quick kiss to your mum and dads cheeks, you stumbled out of the car and into the gym. There were only a few other students here, some from you're age group and a couple from the youngest age group and some in between. 

Walking in, you made you're way over to the cubby corner, you tucked you duffle bag in along with your shoes. Glancing over to the small office, placed in the corner of the gym, you saw Hope, her back facing you, on her cell phone, reprimanding someone on the other side of the line to hurry up with her order of new leotards. On the other side of the gym, you find Ben or 'Twitchy' as Hope recognizes him as, helping a younger aged gymnast do a forward role. 

Looking at the big mat in the centre of the gym, no one was working on it so you made your way to it, and started streching, as you waited for Hope to finish. Ben saw you in the corner of his eye. "Y/n!" He yelled. You turned you're head to face him, a huge smile growing on your face as you waved, he returned the gesture. 

Ben was always so sweet to you, not only to you but all the gymnasts here, he was also a great newly wedded husband to Hope aswell, always caring for her, even when she didn't want it, she's very stubbron but besides the point. 

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