you - bucky barnes

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You were hired by Tony Stark, as a therapist for James Buchanan Barnes. Tony had mentioned some details about him on the phone but didn't really elaborate on it, he just wanted you to help him out. You were a very skilled and strong women who treats people with mental conditions, you knew what to do, you could handle anything, gurentee you've already handled it before with ease. 

You were currently in your car, driving to the Avengers tower, you had all the equipment you needed in the trunk of you car all set and ready, you don't think you'll need to use any of it but you have it just in case. All you know about James, is that he's had a very hard and confusing past and is suffering very severe and intense PTSD, Tony wants him to feel more comfortable, you've had many PTSD clients before and you've helped them a lot. No sweat

You pull up and park you're car in the car park before grabbing you're clip board and papers. You're attire is very normal for the job, not too casual but not too fancy, just a white blouse and a black jean shorts and you're white Nikes, you're y/h/c is just in a half up half down, quite messily, not that you care, you kinda like it, minimal make up and jewlery aswell. You walk through the doors and walk up the the receptionist. 

As I make my way up to the front desk, the receptionist gives me a warm smile, I return it. "Hi Dear, how can I help you?" She asks politelly. "Hi, i'm-" You got cut off by a loud voice across the room. "Y/n! That you?" You hear Tony yell excitedly. You whip you're head to the side and see the one and only, Tony Stark strutting his way over to you. "Yes, that's me!" I warmly say with a smile. 

He offers you a hand, you take it almost instently, he chuckled at you're eagerness, shaking you're had then dropping it. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you" He says. "The pleasure's all mine, thank you so much for hiring me" I studder in excitement. He shakes his head and grins. "No, no it's fine, thank you for letting me hire you" He says. I laugh as I remember why i'm here in the first place. 

"So, uh, back to business? I ask, trying not to be rude. "Ah, yes, yes, right, follow me" Tony says back, ushering me to follow him to the elevator. As we enter the elevator, he talks a little more about James and the whole situation. We both came to a stop infront of a door, you walked out with Tony and stopped right out side the door. "This is his room" He said motioning to the door infront of us. 

"If you need anything at all just ask FRIDAY" He smiled. "Thank you, Tony" I smile back. Just as You were about to open the door, another man opens it before you from the inside of the room. Captain America. You stand there looking up at him with wide eyes. "Hi there, i'm Steve, you must be the therapist Tony was hiring" Steve said smiling at you. "Hi, yes I am" You said shyly, his tallness intimidating you but still smiling at him. "Have you met the team yet?" He asked. You shake you're head no. "We'll sort that out soon, but anyway, I won't keep you, he's just in there" Steve said motioning to James in his room, looking quite down, you can't quite properly see him though. 

"Thank you" I say kindly. He nods before leaving. I slowly enter James' bedroom, it's silent, he's sitting on his bed just looking out the window, completely motionless. I close the door with a click. I look around his room, to find a desk and chair. I quietly knock on the door, even though i'm already inside. He turns his attention to me, he looks tired, like a little puppy that doesn't know what the hell is going on. "Hi James" I say quietly offering a warm smile. He didn't reply he just stared at me intently with some what soft eyes. You turned to his chair and desk. "Hey, could I sit there please?" You said softly gesturing to the chair. 

He nodded keeping his baby blue eyes locked on you. "Thank you" You said, slowly walking to the seat and pulling it out and setting it in front of James but still giving him a good amount of space. You sit down and set your clip board on your lap before looking back up at James to see he had not taken his eyes off of you. You smiled kindly and you swear you saw a hint of a small smile spread on his lips for a slip second. You swear. "So..James..i'm Y/n Y/l/n, i'm going to be your theripist for a while. You know why i'm here, don't you?" You asked nicely. He nodded. "Can you tell me why?" You asked. He stayed silent for a moment still looking at you. 

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