matching pt 1 - bucky barnes

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"I would like to inform you that Miss Y/l/n has returned from her mission and is entering the compound at present." F.R.I.D.A.Y states, the voice echoing through the common room, where most of the Avengers were sat. "WHAT!?" Everyone in the room shouted, scream could be heard from the serval floors below and above. 

Then, the elevator dinged and out you stepped. You didn't even get the chance to speak when you were engulfed in a bear hug by everyone. "Y/N!" They all yelled, stoked to see you after 6 and a half months. "HI!" You yelled back at your team, your family. They all released you, soon asking you a million questions. 

"Guys, guys! Calm down!" You yell, making them all halt. Tony, Steve, Sam, Nat, Wanda, Bruce, Thor, Clint and Scott were all around you. "Why didn't Fury tell us you were coming!?" Nat screamed, going in to hug you again, squeezing you tight. "Because I told him not to, I wanted to surprise you guys!" You exclaim. 

"Well, you did!" Wanda was next to hug you again, screaming her head off. You were still in your combat uniform, dirty, sticky and sweaty, the team obviously didn't seem to care. "Alright, alright, how 'bout we let you freshen up, then we'll talk more" Steve suggested, smiling wide, prying Nat and Wanda off of you. Everyone mumbled their 'oks' before letting you freshen up. 

After you shower, you changed into a light tank top that kind of cling to your skin like a second skin and your baggy sweat pants. Exposing you metal right hand and metal left shoulder. You had lost your hand and shoulder when you were very young and had to get metal sewn into you. Tony resently upgraded it, actually just before your mission. 

You made your way over to the common room again, curious to see if there were any rookies. Steve did mention about one person but didn't elaborate on it. There, the whole team sat on the couches, patiently waiting for you to come back. As soon as you stepped in Nat and Wanda gasped again and ran over to hug you. You giggled at your bestfriends. "Alright, let her breath" Tony interupted the moment. 

"My turn" Tony chimed, trapping you in a bear hug. You took your time hugging everyone individually, connecting with them. "Alright Y/n/n, we actually have a new recruit that joined the team while you were on your mission." Steve announced, smiling wide. "Oh? Where?" You said, not seeing where that person was. "Buck" Steve whsipered. A tall, buff and long-haired man stepped forward. A very handsome one too. 

"Y/n, this is Bucky, my bestfriend, Buck, this is Y/n" Steve stated, motioning to him and then back at you. He also had a metal left arm, that was probably the first thing you noticed about him. You liked it. "Hi, Bucky" You say kindly, offering a sweet smile, holding out your right hand for him to shake. He returend the smile, ever so slightly. He shook your hand before replying. "Hi" He said almost a whisper. 

"I like your arm" You say, letting go of his hand, still smiling at him. "I like you hand....and your shoulder" He said a little louder. You chuckled at him, which made Bucky smile and hold his stare on you. That was the first time he had smiled the whole time that he was at the compound, even since the whole Winter Soldier situation. Some how you made him smile and he only met you a few mintues ago. He was also surprised that you weren't scared of him. Everyone noticed too, everyone noticed the slight smile plastered on his face. 

"Well...I should get going, you know, make dinner" Wanda says, smirking slightly walking backwards to the kitchen, eyeing your still connected hands. You catch where she's looking, you snap toward you and Bucky's connected hands. You look back up to Bucky to see he never took his eyes off of you. You wiggled your hand a little bit, smiling at him widely. He caught what was going on. Snatching his hand back to his side he studdered violantly. "Oh-oh, i'm s-sorry, I didn't-" 

"Hey, it's fine, Bucky, I promise" You reasure him, giggling at his antics. He visibly calmed down, his eyes softening while stare into yours. You smile at him and he automatically smiled back, a very small, bashful smile. But still a smile. 

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