Not Now

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Olivia's View

"Have you heard from Y/n?" Tate asks.

"No." I say.
No we don't talk
You cut me off

"She kidnapped her nephew and ran away to Europe. She's been trolling her sister about it on Twitter for days." Tate says laughing.

Colin wipes his tears and starts screaming. Y/n screams and he stops.

"Now you hear how you sound, right?" Y/n asks as Colin stares at her.

Colin goes back to watching TV and Y/n laughs.

"You're gonna be a great mom." I say.

"We're gonna be great moms." Y/n says.

I smile and she kisses me.

To put into it how much it hurts I'd be at a loss

Y/n and I broke up because it just wasn't working. Right person, wrong time. I miss her a lot though.

But what if we restarted, like
Like we weren't brokenhearted

All I do is think about her and her smile. She's such a cool, energetic person.

Can't help it don't know what to do
'Cause it isn't a minute that I'm not thinking of you

I wish I could go back and do things differently to keep her.

But I want to go back
So you don't have to leave it like that

"Earth to Olivia!" Tate says.

"Sorry." I say.

"You still love her, don't you? You want her back." Tate asks.

"Yeah." I say.

Baby we could fall in love again

"It's not like we ended on bad terms, we could he back together." I say.

I know it ended but sometimes I just pretend that I would see you around
We'll fall in love again

"I thought the whole reason you broke up was because now's not a good time. Wouldn't it just be a waste?" Tate says.

"I mean in the future." I say.

I don't care when
But I want you forever even if it's not now

"Whenever that might be." I say.

(Want you forever)
(Want you forever even if it's not now)

"No, you can't plug that into—" Tate says looking off camera.

The lights turn off and she groans.

"I gotta go, Tucker just cut the power." Tate says.

"Call me later." I say.

"Alright." Tate says.

Time Skip

"We're still gonna be friends, right?" I ask as Y/n puts her backpack on.

"Of course." Y/n says.

I smile and Y/n hugs me.

No we don't speak
Watchin' you leave

Even though Y/n agreed that we'd keep in touch, I haven't heard from her. I get she's in a foreign country on the run from her sister but a call would be nice.

I just don't want her to forget me. Or for her to fall in love with some girl on a swing eating a baguette.

I know that we'll become strangers again eventually
But what if we restarted, like
Like we weren't brokenhearted

My phone rings and I see Y/n's name on the screen.

'Cause I still stay up in case you call me
One day just let me say I'm sorry

"Hey." I say answering the call.

"Hey." Y/n says.

"Hi!" Colin says in the background.

"We're about to get on our flight back home. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out when I get back." Y/n says.

"Yeah, that sounds cool." I say.

'Cause if it's not you then it's nobody
You're gon' recover I don't want another

"I gotta go but I'll text you." Y/n says.

"Okay, bye." I say.

"Bye." Y/n says before hanging up.

Time Skip

"It's was nice seeing out again." Y/n says hugging me.

"I have something to tell you." I say.

"Yes?" Y/n asks.

"I still love you and I still want to be with you." I say.

Baby we could fall in love again
I know it ended but sometimes I just pretend that I would see you around

"I do too. We be both agreed it won't work right now." Y/n says.

We'll fall in love again
I don't care when

"So promise me something." I say.

But I want you forever even if it's not now
(Want you forever)

"Promise me that if neither of us are with someone and we still live each other, then we'll get back together." I say.

(Want you forever even if it's not now)
(Want you forever)

"Okay, I can do that." Y/n says.

Baby we could fall in love again
I know it ended but sometimes I just pretend that I would see you around

I hold my pinkie out and she interlocks hers with mine.

We'll fall in love again
I don't care when, but I want you forever even if it's not

"Keep in touch with me." Y/n says.


I smile and nod.

(Want you forever)

She smiles and walks away.

(I want you forever even if it's not now)

825 Words

I been neglecting y'all fr. Y'all want another Olivia book??

 Y'all want another Olivia book??

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