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I want to apologize for thanking so long with this update 🥺

Earth 63
Y/n's View

I hear noise coming from the barn and start to smell smoke. I turn around and see the barn on fire.

I run to the barn and open the door.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"She's one of those gang members." Ian says.

I see a woman pointing a knife at Ian and I approach slowly.

"We're not gonna hurt you." I say slowly reaching for the knife.

She points the knife at me and I back up a little.

"She's crazy, just shoot her." John says.

"Look at me." I say.

The woman stares at me for a few seconds and drops the knife.

"They started torching the place and ran. We gotta go." Ian says walking out the door.

I lead the woman outside and Dutch runs out of the barn. I take my jacket off and give it to the woman.

"What's your name?" Ian asks.

"Olivia Rodrigo." She says.

"You can stay with us until you figure out what you want to do. We're heading into town when the storm clears." I say.

"I can do this alone." Olivia says.

"This snow storm is going to continue for the next week. You have no resources. We're from the FBI." I say.

I show my badge to her and she nods.

Olivia's View; 2 weeks later...

Y/n is too kind, she treats me — a complete stranger — like family. I really like her maybe a little too much.

I've been hearin' symphonies

"What were you doing in the middle of nowhere?" Ian asks.

I stare at him and he crosses his arms.

"You have to tell me." Ian says.

"I invoke the 5th." I say.

"I swear to—" Ian says.

"What are you doing?!" Y/n asks coming back in.

"Get out." Y/n says shoving Ian out of the room.

Y/n shuts the door and sighs.

"I'm sorry about him." Y/n says.

"It's fine." I say.

"From understanding and everything you've said to everyone here, you don't want to talk about this. That's fine, we have plenty of evidence to even start building a case. This was just a hunch." Y/n says.

"I just don't want to talk to them. I don't know them. You're not aggressive." I say.

Before, all I heard was silence

"Oh, okay. So tell me what happened." She says.

"I met this guy, he said his name was Tyler but that's not that those other people called him. He didn't even look like a Tyler. We're going on a trip together but the storm started and we decided to wait it out." I say.

"There was a cabin resort kind of thing and we just got one for a few days. That was before we found out how long the storm was." I say.

"Apparently, "Tyler" was in debt and someone guys had found him. He didn't have the money and neither did I so they... killed him. Wouldn't let me leave either." I say.

Olivia Rodrigo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now