
777 27 17

Earth 31
Olivia's View

"Are you Y/n?" I ask.

"Depends. Who sent you?" The girl asks looking up.

"Uh, Francesca." I say.

She chuckles and puts her cigarette out.

"That slimly little snake." She says.

"I'm Y/n. You must be Olivia." She says.

"What can I do for you?" Y/n asks.

"I need help finding a friend from school. She said you could help." I say.

"So they haven't been kidnapped?" Y/n asks.

"Uh, no." I say.

"Oh, okay. This should be easy." Y/n says.

"Well, I do not see money in your hand." Y/n says.

"I know where your car is." I say.

"My car?" Y/n asks excitedly.

"Francesca told me, said you were gonna kill somebody." I say.

"She's fucking lying. Always throwing dirt on my name." She says.

"I suppose I can help you as long as I get my car." She says.

I laugh and she smiles.


2 years later...

Y/n comes back inside and sits next to me.

"You look angry." I say.

"I got sand from the storm in my hair." Y/n says.

I laugh and Y/n rolls her eyes.

"I told you not to got outside. You just wanted to doors were locked. Who's gonna steal a car in a sand storm?" I say.

"You're so complicated. Complicated is an understatement." Y/n says.

You tell me that I'm complicated
And that might be an understatement

"Anything else?" I ask.

Anything else? (Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha)

"You're an indecisive bitch." Y/n says lighting a cigarette.

You tell me that I'm indecisive

"You just try to hide it." Y/n says.

Fickle, but I try to hide it

"Anymore comments?" I ask.

Anything else? (Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha)

"You overthink so fucking much that ruin everything." She says.

You tell me that I overthink
'Til I ruin a good thing

"Fuck you." I say.

Anything else? (Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha)

"You wish." She says.

"You still haven't told me why you smoke." I say.

"I'm a grown woman, I do what I fucking want." Y/n says.

"You don't act a grown woman. You were just complaining about sand getting in your hair." I say.

"I just dyed my hair, I do not want it to look dusty." She says.

I laugh and she smiles.

"I'd rather fight with you then be peaceful with anyone else." She says.

Olivia Rodrigo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now