Let It Be Me

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Olivia's View

"Hey, liv." Y/n says.

"Hi, Y/n." I say.

"Can you do me a favor?" Y/n asks.

"Sure." I say.

"Can I borrow 20 bucks? I'll get it to you when I get paid next week." Y/n says.

"Why do you need $20?" I ask.

"I... I've been staying at that hotel on the other side of the overpass. I have the other 100 but I—" Y/n says.

"Why are you sleeping in a hotel?" I ask.

"I got full custody over Liam and his mom got mad. So she removed my name off of the bank account we used to share. I can't afford to stay in my apartment or for gas." She says.

"I never even see the money I'm supposed to be getting paid." She says.

"I don't have any cash so I'll write you a check." I say.

"Thank you so much." She says.

I write her a check and hand it to her.

"I can't take this. This is too much money." She says.

"It's fine, should be half of what you should be getting paid." I say

"Half? This is double." She says.

"Thank you." She says.

I smile and she hugs me.

"Don't worry about giving it back." I say.

"What would I do without you?" She asks.

Time Skip

My phone rings and I answer it.

When you're faded and alone
And need somebody on the phone

"Hi Y/n." I say.

"Hey, Liv. Can you do me a favor?" Y/n says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I don't know if this is too much to ask. Can you or someone else go pick Liam up from school at 2:30?" Y/n says.

"I'm in the middle of nowhere right now." Y/n says.

"Why are you in the middle of nowhere? It's literally raining." I say.

When she leaves you in the rain

"I went to go see my brother and he fell asleep. I knew I had to go get Liam so I started to walk back. I didn't know it was this far and I'm lost." She says.

"I'll leave now to go get Liam and then I'll come at get you." I say.

You need a high to kill the pain
Let it be me, let it be me

"Thank you." She says.

I hang up and leave.

45 minutes later...

Y/n gets in the passenger seat and looks in the backseat.

"He's sleeping?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah, he said he didn't eat his lunch so I got him something." I say.

"Thank you so much." Y/n says.

"Christmas is in 2 weeks." I say.

"I know." Y/n says.

"What's he getting for Christmas?" I ask.

"I have $200 out of the money you gave me. I can use that." She says.

Olivia Rodrigo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now