Girls Like Girls

729 27 8

Earth 53
Y/n's View

"How can I help you?" I ask.

"The front and back glass of my phone is cracked." The girl says handing me her phone.

"How did you crack both this badly?" I ask.

"I got into a fight with my boyfriend and he threw it. It hit the wall next to the stairs and fell down the stairs." The girl says.


I stare at the guy behind her and look at her.


"Blink twice if you need help." I whisper.

She laughs and the guy sighs.

"Alright, shouldn't be a problem to fix. Probably no more than $100 to fix the front and back." I say.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Olivia." She says.

"Okay. I need the passcode to your phone and a number to contact you." I say handing a piece of paper to Olivia.

Olivia fills out the paper and hands it to me.

"I should be down in about an hour." I say.

"Okay, thank you." Olivia says.

1 hour later...

"How much is it?" Olivia says.

"It's on me." I say.

"What? Why?" Olivia asks.

"My good dead for January." I say.

She laughs and smiles.

"Thank you." Olivia says.

I smile and she leaves.

Time Skip

"You broke your phone again?" I ask.

"No." Olivia says laughing.

"What bring you back?" I ask.

"I was wondering if I could get your number." Olivia says.

"And why would you want that?" I ask.

"Y/n, don't play dumb." Olivia says.

I laugh and she smiles. She gives her phone to me and I put my number in it.

Time Skip

My phone rings and I answer it.

"Hey, Liv." I say.

Olivia doesn't say anything and I raise an eyebrow.

"I gonna assume this is a butt dial." I say.

"Can you just stop blaming it on me?" Olivia asks.

Boys, (Boys)

"How is it my fault that you're such an inconsiderate person?" Olivia asks.

"You okay?" I ask.

"She's just a friend. She fixed my phone — that you broke — and I thought she was cool." Olivia says.

"I fucking doubt that." Someone says.

"Liv." I say slightly louder.

"Y/n?" Olivia asks.

"You butt dialed me or something." I say.

"Oh, sorry." She says.

"What's going on?" I ask.

Olivia Rodrigo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now