
714 24 10

Earth 33
Olivia's View

"You okay?" Mom asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"I only think about Y/n during every day of the week." I say.

Only think about him on the weekdays and weekends

"Only in the morning and evening." I say.

Only in the mornings and evenings

"Only when I wake up or sleep until 12:00." I say.

Only when I wake up and sleep in

"And only when I breathe." I say.

"Do you hear yourself?" Mom asks.

Oh my God

"I told you Y/n was bad news." Mom says

Should have read the warning on the label, I don't

"You met her when she had broken nose from fighting. Dead giveaway." Mom says.

Said, "Proceed with caution," but I won't

"I'm going to see her today." I say.

Guess I do it often, I know I'm already gone (I'm already gone)

"Do whatever you want to do. It's your life." Mom says.

30 minutes later...

"Is Y/n here?" I ask.

"You're still running around behind her, huh?" Mr Y/l/n says.

"Sadly, yes." I say.

It's sad but true

Mr Y/l/n laughs and I smile.

"She's upstairs." Mr Y/l/n says.

"Thank you." I say.

I go to Y/n's room and see her staring out the window.

"You shouldn't be here." Y/n says.

"Well, I want to be here." I say.

I'd go to Hell and back if I could go there with you

"Oh, really?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah." I say.

Y/n turns her head and I notice blood on her face.

"I thought I told you to stop hanging out with those people." I say.

"I've been here all day." Y/n says.

"If only I believed that." I say.

I grab a towel and wipe the blood off of her face.

"You must really love me." Y/n says.

What do I do?

Olivia Rodrigo OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now