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Firstly, a huge thank you for 7k readers. I feel a bit cringe about it as I wrote this during the peak of a pandemic & during the 8th season of the Flash. I confess, I am very blessed. I did go through a rewrite stage of this story... then completely forgot. 

I only just recently logged back in to see so many of ya'll just finding this fanfic. I hope you have enjoyed it so far; it's been a while since I have added bonus chapters, it's so nice to see that I am not the only crazy person who is obessesed with SnowBarry. 

They have always been a huge part of my fandom journey. I know they aren't cannon or even endgame, they had something back in S1.. Eric.. change my mind. 

I am so sorry that I haven't updated it, so if your reading and your like "THIS MAKES NO SENSE" it's because I have a bunch of drafts that haven't been posted or written yet. So.. with that said.. I am in the process of writing one chapter TONIGHT!! 

Let me know below.. 

1) What plot holes do you want me to fill in?

2) What storyline do you want me to explore more?

3) Which characters do you want to see more of?

Comment below, I'd love to hear feedback from you all. 

Happy reading, 

Lana x

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