Best Friends - Caitlin's POV - (2)

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Caitlin could feel herself stirring from a deep sleep, for the first time in a while she dreamt about Barry. The dream was the first time; they laid eyes on each other in a long time during the star labs opening.  Barry noticed Caitlin's firey red hair from across the room and her inner beauty. He knew straight away that it was her. The two were best of friends in high school; life goes on. She realised that she was beginning to fall in love with her best friend. What was she going to do? She didn't want to mess things up with Barry.

The thought of him made her have butterflies in her stomach, she wanted more than anything to tell him, but maybe she thought it was too late... did he think the same too? But all she wanted in that moment more than anything was.... a chocolate chip muffin and her coffee. 

She laid in bed staring at the celling and she let out a sigh; she hears her phone vibrate; it's an alarm. 

"I am late!!" she exclaims. 

"I better ring Barry and ask him to meet me at Jitters." she thinks to herself

She grabs her phone and turns off the alarm; she looks at her lockscreen and smiles; it is a picture of her and Barry at CCPD. She dials Barry's number. It rings. 

Barry picks up; again that feeling of butterflies comes back; those blasted butterflies!

"Hey Cait! What's up?" 

They talk for a while; it felt like an infinty for Caitlin; they could talk for hours!! If only they had more  'time.'

TO BE CONTINUED.... part 3 will be with you soon 🥺

Blessings Elana 

GO follow me on insta: @frosty_speedster <3 

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