Special Visitor - (27)

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Barry gets outside and looks around; no sign of Caitlin. His heart races, he starts to cry. 

"Caitlin.. Caity.. if only I could tell you.." Barry cries to himself in the dark. 

"Hey stranger!" a familiar voice says.

The voice comes closer. 

"Kara!" Barry wipes his tears away. 

"Aren't you gonna give me a hug Superfriend?" Kara pulls Barry in for a hug. 

"What brings you to Central City?" Barry pulls away from the hug. 

"Just heard that a friend was in trouble," Kara says. 

"I also heard.. that he has a secret that he can't tell his girlfriend" Kara knows.

"He's afraid that she might find out.." Kara reads Barry's mind. 

"Wow.. you can read minds now too?" Barry says surpised. 

"Well.. my brother; Sebastian.. he is very annoying; also kinda angry all the time." Barry confesses.

"I just need to go see him.. he is rambling about my future and acting all crazy."

"He is saying that my love with Caity is only tempory; whatever that means!" 

"This timeline will fall apart. I have to do something big?" he continues.

Kara itches her head and turns back at Barry; she has a look on her face.

"Barry; you have to propose!" Kara jumps up and down excited. 

"Marry her Barry! You have to; you two are meant to be together; screw the future." Kara says. 

"Your right... but I kinda freaked her out back there." Barry stratches his forehead. 

"Go make up with her!" Kara pushes him to go. 

Barry rushes over to the store and goes in; 

"Hey! Can you reccomend any flowers?" Barry asks over the counter.

"Roses are very romantic." The lady over the counter raises her eyebrows. (This lady also has superpowers..??)

"I'll grab them." Barry exclaims. 

Barry goes in his pocket; the lady stops him. 

"No it's on the house." The kind lady says. 

Barry walks out of the store with the flowers in his hands. He takes a deep breath and speeds over to Caitlin's aparment door; his hands start shaking and his voice goes dry. 

*knock knock*

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