Danger (21)

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"Our earth 22 is in danger.." Captian cold continues. 

"Barry... on this earth you are nowhere to be found.." he adds.

"Snart.. why did you tell me this?" Barry looks down at the floor.

"Because... it's important... Caity.." Captain Cold

"Don't call me Caity!" she gets snappy. 

"Julian.. to update you; Barry does a lot of time travel, and sometimes he messes with the timeline" Cisco explains. 

"Well isn't there a timeline that Barry isn't the flash?" Julian asks. 

"I can't reveal that, but I know on our earth there is no Flash." Captian Cold declares. 

"As I was saying.. Caitlin SnowAlle-" Captian Cold stops himself. 

"Wait? Reverse... what were you going to say?" Wells asks. 

"Barry; just come with me.." Captian Cold tries to avoid the subject. 

"He is not going anywhere with you.." Caitlin steps out in front of Barry.

"He will be safe, trust me.." Snart says. 

"How?" Caitlin reaches out her hand Barry grabs it and squeezes it. 

The two have that aura again; this time it's protecting them both. Snart picks up his gun and shoots it; the bullet bounces off the shield. 

"Wow.." Caitlin turns to face Barry. 

"That's what it does.." Barry continues. 

"What are they saying?" Snart looks at the rest of team flash. 

"Eat this Snart.." He blasts him across the room. 

Caitlin and Barry stop holding hands; Caitlin turns around. Barry looks surprised; Cisco laughs.

"That was something."  Julian exclaimed. 


To be contiued...

When Ice And Speed Meet *completed?!*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang