Third Wheel FB - (17)

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@ High School

"Hey Barr, me and Jullian are going bowling; wanna come?" Caitlin offers Barry.

Barry seems off and cold, he turns the other way. Caitlin senses he is annoyed at her; Caitlin puts a hand on his shoulder. Like a child, he nudges it off.

"Barry; what is wrong with you today?" Caitlin says concernedly.

"Oh... nothing.." Barry tries to avoid eye contact.

Barry and Caitlin are in the locker rooms; Barry stares into space trying to avoid any more 'Jullian' talk.

Barry's POV

I am sick of hearing about Jullian, I am done; she asks whether I want to third wheel on a date that they are planning! As if!!! Ewww.. heck no.

(Third person)

"Earth to Allen.. Allen are you responding?" Caitlin waves near his face to get attention.

Caitlin rolls her eyes and starts to walk away in a strop. Barry senses this and tries not to look at her.

"Caity; Wait!" Barry runs to her slowly.

He finally grabs her arm; Caitlin pulls away.

"BARRY I HAVE HAD IT!" Caitlin shouts.

"I am sick of you being so cold towards me and Jullian" Caitlin makes hand gestures.

"Caity.." Barry saddens.

"Don't call me that!" Caitlin snaps.

"I am going to go home; ring me when you have calmed down," Barry says quitely.

Barry walks out of the school.

Caitlin starts to sob and sits down by the lockers. Iris walks over and looks concerned.

"Barry again" Iris sits down next to her and puts her head on Caitlin's shoulder.

"Iris... why are you being kind to me..I... thought... you. hated me." Caitlin says in between sobs.

"I have never hated you; you and Barry have always had something special" Iris continues.

"I... just didn't want to wait anymore; Barry is too slow.." Caitlin tries to compose herself.

"If he loves you; he will wait for you.." Iris says wisely.

"I guess so.." Caitlin finally says.

A pair of shoes appear in Caitlin's view.

"Excuse me ladies; you are by my locker.." the mystery voice says.


Extract from my new fanfic "Central City High" a When & Ice Meet prequel! 

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