Tough cookie (19)

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Caitlin comes through the context smiling, she looks at Barry and raises her eyebrows. 

Barry looks at the dress; he smiles. He then looks over at the guy who has shortly followed in behind Caitlin. Barry rolls his eyes in disgust. 

[Barry's POV] 

Julian.. Julian.. gosh darn Julian!! I thought we were done with you; but clearly not.. I thought after all these years you were just there to steal my girl. 

Barry stares at Julian with dager eyes. Julian tries to avoid Barry's evil glare. The room is tense and Caitlin can feel it. 

"Barry.. Julian is our new intern!" Caitlin cuts the tension. 

Julian reaches out a hand for Barry to shake; Barry grabs it and squeezes it really hard. 

"Umm... Barry.. you have such a strong.. ouch.. grip" Julian says in pain. 

"Barry!" Caitlin remarks.

Caitlin places a hand on his shoulder; he eases up and loosens Julian's hand; the warmth of Caitlin's hand ressures him that he has got the girl... finally!

"Hey Julian go see Cisco; he is in the office waiting for you.." Barry hints. 

"Umm..sure..." Julian looks at the pair confused.

[Caitlin's POV]

Barry and I share a moment again, just the two of us. I take my hand off his shoulder and smile at him softly. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me in. 

"Hey Frosty.." he says softly. 

"I see you got my note." he continues.

"Yes! Thank you for that wonderful gesture." my heart skips a beat. 

He pulls me in closer and bites his lip. 

"Alone at last..." he lets out a sigh. 

"Yes" I finally say.

[Third person]

"You have company.." Wells comes around the corner. 

Barry still has Caitlin close to him; he doesn't let go. Wells senses this. 

"Should I leave?" Wells asks. 

"Yes!!" both say in unison.

Wells leaves. 

"Where were we?" Barry asks. 

"You were gonna kiss me.." Caitlin blushes. 

*beep beep beep*

Both Barry and Caitlin look at eachother. 

"Can we just stay like this; for a while anyway." Barry moans. 

"You have a job to do Mr Allen." Caitlin says wisely. 



When Ice And Speed Meet *completed?!*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz