The smartest man alive - Barry's POV - (1)

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It was the break of day; Barry could feel the sunlight peeking through his windows. Barely waking up from his long night sleep, he wakes up and yawns. 

Although he awakes before his alarm; he sits up and stares outside wondering what time it is.  He looks at his phone which is beside his bed and it reads '9:00 am.' 

"Shoot!" Barry exclaims. 

"I am late for work" he continues. 

Getting dressed was easy for Barry all he had to do was use his superspeed. In typical Barry fashion he did very well; after doing that he looked at himself in the mirror and said: 

"Mr Allen; you're looking very dapper today," he says in a silly voice.

Then he realises he has to get coffees for the rest of team flash.

 His phone rings; it reads 'Caitlin', Barry's stomach gets butterflies. He smiles and picks up the phone. The sound of Caitlin's voice felt calming. He always thought that ever since they met outside the school gates, although she did call him a creep. 

"Hey, Cait! What's up?" He says softly 

"For someone who has superspeed, you certainly slow at getting my coffee and muffin," she says in an abrupt tone. 

"Ok, Dr Snow" He laughs 

"Just be quick Allen!" Caitlin says.

"I will be as quick as a flash" Barry jokes

"Bye Barr.." Caitlin hangs up. 


*Part 2 will be released next weekend* 

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