I have loved you since we were 18 (5)

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TW: This chapter is very emotional grab your tissues!! 

"It's not what it looks like.."  Iris says whilst walking towards the exit.

"Barry needed a hug, he was getting upset about.. something.. or was it someone?" She rubs her forehead.

"I have to get going; go cheer Barry up, he is a bit down!" Iris rushes off.

I will try.. he looks far from cheering up though. Caitlin thinks to herself


Caitlin goes over to the table where Barry is; he wipes away his tears;

"Hey. Cait.. you..?"  Barry hesitates

"It's me that needs to ask you whether you're okay Barr.."  Caitlin continues.

Barry looks up at her; he is stunned by her beauty, for a moment all his worries fade away, he smiles.

"You look good Dr Snow!" he flirts with her

"you're avoiding my question Bartholomew; I asked if you were okay?" Caitlin's voice turns serious for a minute. 

Barry's face saddens again; it's almost like a light switch, he looks down and tries to avoid eye contact. 

Barry's Pov


"Barry; let's go! It's been an emotional day! I will call Wells and let him know we are not going in!" Caitlin says sweetly 

Barry nods at Caitlin; but still his mind was far off. 

Caitlin dials Wells' number into her phone and explains. Caitlin makes lots of gestures; Barry notices, he finds it cute. 

Breathe.. maybe she feels the same way too?  Barry thinks to himself 

Caitlin comes off the phone; 

Barry finally finshes his thoughts.. 

"Caitlin, I need to tell you something.." Barry exclaims. 


To be continued... 

Edit: Chap 6 was an emotional rollercoster!! oofff... 

We got 91 readers!! I hope ya'll are enjoying my story, I hope you have had a good day :) 

Blessings to you all, 

Lana xo 

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