Chapter Sixty- Epilogue

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    Tears sprung to my eyes as the judge hit his mallet on the wood of his desk and dismissed everyone in the court room. I turned to look at Taeil next to me and practically leaped into his arms as I sobbed into his chest. The last few months Taeil, Yuta, Ten, and Taeyong have been the most wonderful men I'd ever met as they handled the case of my mothers abuse in hospital to avoid stressing me out due to being 29 weeks- 6 almost 7 months pregnant. It was early morning when we got here, now leaning towards late afternoon, and would've the best news I could've received today if it weren't for what was happening later this evening. Taeil chuckled as he rubbed my back and was gentle with my form knowing how hormonal I was constantly. It amused them all when I would cry over random things but they also equally felt bad.

   "You never have to see your uncle again and he'll never see the light of day outside of a wired fence again." Taeil reassured and I smiled as I backed away from him. We packed up our things and met Taeyong, Ten, and Yuta in the large hall. The others couldn't be here today because of my request, I refused to let any of my loves watch the case but assured Taeyong would keep them updated.

   "There's our beautiful little Cherry Blossom. You must feel relieved. How's the little ones doing?" Taeyong asked, concerned as Ten tended to me gently. One hand holding mine as the other wrapped around my waist. Due to having twins and being almost done with my pregnancy my back and ankles would easily get sore and ache a lot.

      "They're fine, don't worry. I'm fine too, thanks for asking." I replied, giving him a feigned annoyed look at his lack of asking about my well being. He rolled his eyes as Yuta snorted at him. We headed out the front doors and to the SUV Taeil brought so we could ride together with a larger space. I sat in the middle of Ten and Yuta as Taeyong got in the passengers and Taeil drove. We took our peaceful time heading to our next location and I was suddenly nervous. We were a few minutes out from the location needed when a voice startled me from zoning out.

   "Stop fidgeting, everything will go fine. It's not like any of them can exactly run off." Yuta gently said. I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

      "I know, I'm just nervous." I whined. Ten giggled and wrapped an arm around me as he rubbed my shoulder.

       "Don't be dramatic, it'll be fine and you know it. The only thing you have to be nervous about is whether or not you'll cry your makeup off." He teased. I glared at him as we pulled up to the cottage esk venue we'd booked for our small intimate day. I took a deep breath and we began our descent to the building. We were surrounded by foliage in a beautiful garden. Trees, bushes, and different kinds of flowers spread throughout.

       "This is breathtaking." I gasped, looking around in awe. We got to the building faster than I'd like and I made my way in. I was ushered away immediately by Johnny, Mark, Ten, and Haechan. Jeno and Jaemin followed leisurely behind. I couldn't help the laugh I let out at seeing them so riled up and serious all of a sudden. I was sat down at a vanity and Johnny immediately started on my makeup. I had a base of makeup on already to make this easier and faster so we would only need to do touch ups and add on. So Johnny fixed up my foundation and started on my eyeshadow. He did a white golden eyeshadow overtop a light pink with a pretty nude lipstick. Small winged eyeliner and thin false lashes to not overdo anything more than something else. Keeping the look cohesive and elegantly soft. I smiled at the makeup in the mirror and then looked to Johnny who was proud of his work.

     Ten started on my hair as Johnny was doing my makeup. Curling the strands before brushing them out to give a bit of an older but neat affect. Reminding me of the 70's or 80's to be honest. I had kept up with my hair but let the wolf cut grow out and then just layered it a bit. My fringe were now a curtain bang as well, framing my face nicely. My hair was cut yesterday to graze my collarbones. The blond still there as I refused to part with it. Although for awhile I did rock some purple in it until I let it fade back out to blonde, closer to white. Next, was my dress. Mark sat to the side holding a box with my accessories I'd put on after. Haechan next to him holding my shoes. Jaemin and Jeno walked over, holding a black garment bag that hid my dress underneath. Jaemin unzipped it as Johnny helped me stand up and walked me over. These men have known me since I was a little girl and I had no issue changing in front of them due to our family like relationships. Johnny helped me strip down to my underwear as Jaemin held the dress for me to step into. He slid up my legs and over my arms so Johnny could zip me up.

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