Chapter Forty-Nine

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⚠️❗️This chapter does have a seen of hinted sexual assault from an authoritative figure❗️⚠️

*Hello Loves! It's been brought to my attention the picture for the tattoo gotten by Ren in this chapter was not here so I'm just adding it now!*

 *Hello Loves! It's been brought to my attention the picture for the tattoo gotten by Ren in this chapter was not here so I'm just adding it now!*

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       I whined softly as I woke up, feeling someone mess with my hip. I swatted the hand away as it caused pain and discomfort. I felt the arms around me stiffen and I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was Soobin looking at me. He was watching me carefully and I felt HongJoong press closer to my back. Looking over I saw Seonghwa give me a look as if I offended his entire family for swatting his hand away. Beomgyu looked amused next to him as he held Seonghwa's medical bag. I glared at the males for waking me up, turning so my hip pressed against Soobin's. HongJoong chuckled in my ear.

      "Min XaioRen I swear to god if you do not let me clean and put a proper bandage on your hip." Seonghwa threatened. I was too tired to deal with him as I huffed.

      "Do it later Hwa. 'm sleepy." I whined. HongJoong let go of me, pulling me from Soobin to lay on my back.

       "Just let them do it now, Pup." HongJoong said, holding me in my spot. I stayed put as I covered my eyes with one of my arms. Seonghwa pulled my underwear down my thighs to actually clean the wound. Beomgyu and Seonghwa kept mumbling things to each other as they cleaned it while I laid there clenching my jaw so hard I was sure my teeth were shatter by time they finished. It hurt so bad and I had to still get Chan to carve Stray Kids into me. I refused to hold anyones hand as I instead fisted my bed sheets until my underwear was pulled back on me. I felt shorts also get pulled up my body soon after.

      "See? Now was that so bad?" Beomgyu asked in amusement. I moved my arm slightly to look at him as dead serious as I could.

       "I'd rather Jongho stab my thigh again to be honest." I replied. This earned a concerned look from Seonghwa as he looked at me in disbelief.

       "Why would you-" Seonghwa cut himself off as I gave him a look.

       "One slick, in and out stab wound or your skin twisted and cut into a branding? What one would you rather have, as a second in command, tell me what you'd rather feel." I asked. He glared at me and slapped my thigh. I yelped and instinctively kicked the hand away.

      "Can I please go back to sleep? I'm still tired." I whined when he looked ready to punish me for it.  I sighed when Seonghwa instead pulled me out of the bed. I grabbed my phone and ear piece, putting it in as my phone slipped into my pocket. I huffed as I left the room first, pulling my hair up into a bun.

       "To any girls at my school that heard of you and claimed 'dating one of the gang members would be so hot!'" I made my voice all high pitched and exaggerated as I walked into the kitchen with the others behind me, "No, it's not. They force you to get out of bed when you're tired as heck and won't let you cuss." I mumbled as I went to the fridge to get a glass of orange juice. I put the bottle back when I was done and grabbed my cup. I settled myself on Jongho's lap as he gave me an amused look with a raised eyebrow.

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