Chapter Two

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       Waking up in a rush the next morning was not something I had in mind and yet here I am. Brushing my teeth as I apply winged eyeliner. Quickly rinsing my mouth out I focus on doing my inner corner before doing my mascara and some nude lipstick. Smiling at my rushed makeup, which came out decent enough to not completely have a mental breakdown over,  I head back into my room.

     Not bothering to change out of my sweater I throw on a pair of high waisted, black, distressed shorts and nod. Grabbing my backpack I quickly pack my laptop, charger, school supplies, and my phone charger. Once done with that I head to the door, slip on some shoes, and head out the door after locking up.


        "Are you kidding me?" I huff out as I see the email my first class professor sent out a few minutes ago. Sighing I head into the cafe just off campus and order a hot chocolate and a strawberry danish. Once I get my order I find a secluded seat in the back of the cafe and read over the assignment we have to do. It sucks when your professor cancels randomly but life happens. Can't blame them too much.

     Sitting on my phone as I finished off my hot chocolate I jolted in shock as a liquid hit the skin on my arm. I looked up at the two males next to me as I quickly reached for a napkin and began cleaning the mess up. This was great, I now had an unknown liquid all over my arm.

      "Oh shit, I'm so sorry. He's a dumbass." A deep voice says as he grabs a couple more napkins and hands them to you. Looking up briefly I shake my head in response.

     "No, it's okay. Accidents happen right?" I ask politely. I finally actually look up to the two males and your breath hitched ever so slightly. Both were beautiful. One had a slender face, a birthmark by their eye and on their cheek with slightly wavy long black hair. He had a septum piercing and in his bottom lip was a vertical labret piercing. It made him somehow look softer and suited him well. He also had multiple piercings in his ear. The other had a defined face with a slender nose. His lip had a mole on it and another was under his eye just on his cheek bone. In his ears there were multiple piercings and one in his right eyebrow. In his left nostril there was another loop to show another piercing. His forearms were covered in tattoos, giving him half sleeves. Both were undoubtedly attractive.

     "They do, but I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention where I was going." The second male said. His voice was a bit more raspy and he clearly had a lot of energy.

     "It's okay. It's nothing to feel severe guilt over. It'll be okay." I smiled softly. They take the seat in front of me in the booth and smile softly. I still had 30 minutes before the next class so I didn't mind the company.

       "What's your names?" I ask, tilting my head a bit as I lock my phone and put my cup and plate aside.

       "I'm Wooyoung." Looking over at him I couldn't help but smile. He seemed full of energy. He'd be fun to hang out with.

        "I'm Yeosang." Yeosang smiled politely and it was easy to tell he was more closed off. He was definitely polite when needed but didn't seem too eager to have to interact with people.

         "I'm XaioRen, but I prefer just being called Ren." A smile lights up Wooyoung's face as he excitedly sits straight up.

          "Wait are you Chinese?!" He asks, practically bouncing in his seat. I raised an eyebrow at his excitement as I nod.

         "Yeah. My mother is Chinese and my older brother is as well. My father is Korean so I'm only half." I explain a bit. Usually people aren't that excited to know about my name and just ignore it.

       "Huh, that's cool. So, what're you doing here?" Yeosang questioned. I thought for a second and decided it wouldn't be any harm to say I had a canceled class.

      "My professor canceled the lesson I had so I'm waiting on my other class now. It starts in 20 minutes so I should start heading back to campus." I reply. Yeosang nods at your answer.

     "Can we walk you back? If you don't mind? I'd like to talk just a bit more." Wooyoung asks. Thinking for a moment you nod.

     "Sure but only to campus. I don't exactly know you well. Plus it's a public area so I have witnesses if you try anything." I say with a sly wink as I grab my phone and bag and get up. Walking out you leave the stunned boys in their seats before they're running after you.

     "Smart girl, can't fault you for that." Yeosang says as he stretches his arms above his head. His relaxed frame next to yours made you feel slightly insecure. It was no doubt these two were attractive and even while doing nothing they turned heads of the other pedestrians.

      "So, assuming because you two said nothing about school, you're older than me. How old are you two?" I asked, curiosity dripping from my tone.

       "We're both 27 but Yeosang is older by some months." Wooyoung happily replies. I almost choke on  spit as I cough out, shock taking over my system.

      "27?! You both look like you'd be maybe 24 at most? I'm 19." I reply, the shock evident in my voice. I see Wooyoung's eyes widen ever so slightly.

      "Wow! That means you have to call us Oppa." He smirks. Rolling my eyes I lightly shove him, barely moving him.

      "Never. I'll respect you but I am not calling anyone 'Oppa'." I vehemently disagreed, cringing at the word. I know it's an honorific, and if I got close enough to them to say it that'd be fine. However, too many people use it to try seeming cute and it makes me cringe.

      "That's fair, however we aren't against it. Anyways, hopefully we'll see you at the cafe again some time. Here's campus and we have to get to work." Yeosang said as he ruffled my hair a bit. I glared up at him a bit as I fixed it. I stumbled a bit however when Wooyoung threw his arm around my shoulder and looked up at him in confusion.

     "See you around, do good in school." Wooyoung said, his voice suddenly serious before walking off with Yeosang. I shook my head at them and headed into the gates. I still had 10 minutes until class started but I prefer being there early.

     While walking towards my class I felt someone grip my wrist. I whimpered slightly as DaeJun whipped me around to face him, looking up at his pissed face. Knowing other students were around helped, he couldn't hit me here. So when he got close to my ear, my body suddenly felt like ice as my eyes widened.

     "I'll see you after school. Don't try to run either. Or it'll be worse." With that I watched as he walked away. Taking a calming deep breath I pretended everything was fine as I walked into class and sat in my seat.


      Walking out of school I timidly looked around for DaeJun. My search lasted a second longer when suddenly he was in my eyesight. Seconds later I was being dragged to his car and forced into the backseat. He got in behind me and I immediately knew I was going to be hurt. Anxiety rose in my chest as bile tried to claw up my throat.

      I screamed as DaeJun's first landed against my already bruised upper ribs, gasping out for air when his other landed on my hip. I squeezed my eyes shut as he continued his abuse. Every punch came with another insult. Calling me a whore, slut, waste of space, a bitch, and so on. Tears fell down my face as I silently pleaded for him to stop. However, I knew it wouldn't. It only would when I leave him, but the fear of being alone and how angry he'd get if I ended things was greater than my own self worth. He'd broken me down and I'd let him.


          Hello loves! Thanks for reading. The first few chapters are gonna be a bit short unfortunately as it is just introductions but I do plan on them being longer later on! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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