Chapter Thirty-Four

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⚠️❗️This chapter contains depictions of a mental breakdown, panic attack, and self harm. Read with caution❗️⚠️

      Waking up hours later to my alarm I noticed an arm wrapped around my waist. I looked over and saw Yunho behind me. His eyes were closed, his hair falling over his face. Something about him seemed almost innocently angelic. But then last night flashes through my mind again and those thoughts change as my face flushes. Suddenly his eyes opened and he looked down at me. A soft smile spread across his face as he tightened his grip around my waist.

     "It's rude to stare you know?" Yunho laughed slightly at my shocked expression upon realizing he felt and caught me staring at him. I gave him a sheepish smile before I was removing his arm from my waist and heading to my bathroom. I was well aware of the fact I was in underwear and his shirt only. I walked into the bathroom to see Wooyoung washing his face. Yunho walked in behind me and waved at the male.

      "Well I saw you two had fun." Wooyoung said with a smirk before finishing his face. He began brushing his teeth and I turned on the shower while Yunho simply watched me curiously. He heard the alarm but didn't know if it was exactly for school. While the water was heating up I brushed my teeth with Wooyoung, handing Yunho an extra toothbrush out of my person pack. He chuckled at me as he took it and brushed his teeth with us. Once I finished I checked the water for the shower nodding to myself. My shoulder was throbbing and I knew I wouldn't be able to get my- well Yunho's- shirt off.

     "Can..Can one of you help me with my shirt? I can't get it off myself." I whispered. Yunho's hands were on me immediately, unexplainably soft touches caressing my body as he softly raises the shirt up my waist, over my breasts, over my head, and down my arms. Wooyoung then helps me by gently pulling my underwear down and off my legs while Yunho holds my waist to keep me stable. With one look I asked Wooyoung if he'd showered yet. He shook his head and I grinned.

     "Can you two shower with me?" I asked. I was playing a dangerous game with that question but I wanted more time with them. Even if only a moment. Wooyoung and Yunho were stripping before I could even actually finish the question though. Yunho gently undressed my thigh as Wooyoung did my shoulder. We were all in the surprisingly large shower a moment later. Yunho was behind me and Wooyoung in front. The warm water ran off of Wooyoung's body and onto my own as he gently pulled me into him.

     "Why did you want us in the shower, baby?" Yunho softly asks. Pressing soft kisses along my neck and injured shoulder. I giggled against the soft touches as Wooyoung wets his hair.

     "I wanted even just a moment with you before I have to go to school. HongJoong is my next victim." I replied with a smile. Wooyoung laughed as he leaned forward and gently kissed my nose. My head leaned back against Yunho's chest as said male wraps his arms around my body. Wooyoung and Yunho switched places with me moving along Yunho so my back stayed to him.

    He was careful with my wound, every touch calculated and careful. Wooyoung handed me his shampoo as his arms also wrapped around my body, both of them pressed against me while Yunho removed one arm to wet his own hair. I smiled excitedly as I poured some of it into my hands. I began massaging the soap into his scalp, his eyes rolling back as I did so. His arms around my waist tightened as he pressed into me more, his body fully relaxing as I massaged his head. With looking at screens most times I'm assuming he gets a lot of headaches and just doesn't say anything so I wanna make sure this helps. Once I was done Yunho rinsed my hands and we all switched once again. Wooyoung rinsed the soap out of his hair as I turned to Yunho. The man was a foot taller than me, and he grinned when I pouted as I wanted to do the same for him. So, he simply lifted my body, my legs wrapping around his narrow waist as I gripped his shoulders. Wooyoung let his chest be a silent support as he watched with a smile.

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