Chapter Three

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       Walking out of the locker rooms after dance felt relieving. After what happened earlier knowing I was able to take a bit to relax my mind and focus on other things felt amazing. Deciding I needed a bit of a pick me up I decided to go to the mall later. First, I needed a shower and clean clothes though.

     Once I get out the shower I walk to my room and pick an outfit, deciding to just go with a pair of black, baggy, sweatpants and a graphic tee. I leave my hair to dry while I apply some eyeliner and mascara. I then lined my lips with black and used nude lipstick in the middle for an ombré affect. Smiling at my makeup so far, I nodded at myself before adding some blush and eyeliner. Grabbing a scrunchie I throw my hair up messily into a bun and let some pieces frame my face.

      Putting my phone, wallet, and keys in my pocket I head out. However, I also clipped a pocket knife into the waistband of my sweatpants to be safe. People are crazy and you never know if you'll need it. Debating for a second I decide to just take my car. I rarely use it anymore because I like walking and campus isn't too far from my house. It's a 20 minute walk so it was a really nice way to get myself up and some time to relax before a lecture.

        Arriving at the mall I parked and headed inside. First I decided I wanted a snack and stopped at a little side food store and got a churro and a coke. Then I started to just walk around looking for a place that caught my interest or for anything in a window to catch my interest. It wasn't too busy today but there was still a pretty big crowd at the same time.

      While walking around after finishing off my drink I accidentally bumped into someone. I immediately began apologizing for bumping into them but my mind was also infiltrated with the smell of rosemary that lingered as I immediately backed away from the person. Looking up I see two skyscraper like males. One had a slender face, a pointed nose, catlike eyes, and his long hair was an ombré of yellow and orange. His ears were filled with piercings and his arms were covered in a full sleeve of tattoos. The other had a rounder face, wide eyes, a friendly smile, thick lips, and black hair that messily sat on his forehead. He was ever so slightly taller as well. They were both undoubtedly attractive and had an aura that drew you in to them.

       "Ah shit, I'm so sorry." I immediately apologized. The second male smiled at me in reassurance.

     "It's alright, are you okay?" He asked. I nodded a bit.

     "Yeah I'm fine, I should've been paying more attention where I was going." I dismiss, I was the one at fault.

     "That's good. Hey can we ask you for an opinion?" The shorter asks. His deep voice slightly took me off guard but it suited him well.

     "Uh sure, what is it?" I asked, slightly confused.

      "Well, first, before we ask I'm Yunho and this is Mingi." The male now known as Yunho says with a smile. I smile and nod.

     "I'm XiaoRen but just call me Ren." I replied with a smile.

      "So, I got this shirt but Yunho swears up and down it doesn't suit me and would suit someone else we know better. However, the person he claims it would suit better has a different aesthetic than me so I don't understand why he things this." Mingi explains as he pulls a shirt out of the bag he was holding. The shirt was a dark gray and black shirt with stripes on it. I could see Mingi wearing it but I also saw Yunho's point.

     "I think if styled right it'll look good on you. Why don't you pick out a full outfit idea to go with the shirt and based off how you'd style it we can decide?" I questioned.

      "Ohhh I like that idea. We could see if it's something he'd be able to style at home that way as well because of the aesthetic of his wardrobe." Yunho happily replies. Next thing I know I'm going around store to store with the two males. Yunho likes to joke and talk a lot but I don't mind. Mingi will talk here and there but I get the impression it's only because he's not used to me. He likely opens up more when he feels more comfortable around people.

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