Chapter Fifty-One❗️

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⚠️❗️This chapter contains mentions of smut and minor smut, actions of violence, and talk of murder, drug abuse, and rape❗️⚠️

Awaking later in the morning was interesting. Taehyun had gently shook me awake, smiling down at me. He pulled me up and out of bed just for Yeonjun to jump onto a sleeping Kai right after. Kai gasped awake as I tiredly yawned and rubbed my eyes. Taehyun's hands were holding my waist as his chin rested on my shoulder. I leaned into his body as I watched the exchange before grabbing my phone and ear piece. I put the ear piece in and checked my phone as Kai and Yeonjun argued about whether it was an okay way to wake Kai up. I wriggled away from Taehyun and snuck my way downstairs to the kitchen. The other three followed behind me when they realized I left.

"Good morning." I said as we walked in. I sat down at their island counter, slightly avoiding Beomgyu and Soobin's eyes as I messed with Kai. I kept pinching him and poking him every time he looked away from me.

"Alright, since you're being a brat Ima just ask for everyone to hear. Who fuc-" I slammed my hand onto his mouth as I stared at him with wide eyes. I had moved to stand next to his bigger frame, one hand on his shoulder as the other covered his mouth. I glared into his eyes as his large hands wrapped around my wrists. Kai was stronger than me, he was trained to fight. If he wanted he could very easily make me let go.

"Don't be an asshole, Kai. Just ask me to stop being annoying and I'll listen. No need to scold and embarrass me yet again." I huffed. He rolled his eyes at me but the damage was done when I heard Jeongin's voice next.

"Hah! Give me my $20 Kai! Told you she'd have late night fun." Jeongin grinned. I decided to show Kai how upset I was with him I'd ignore him. So I got up and moved to the other side of Taehyun as Kai stared at me.

"She's ignoring me now." Kai grumbled to him. Taehyun wrapped an arm around me and wriggled his eyebrows at me.

"So, who did you have fun with?" He questioned. I gave him a betrayed look and he shrugged.

"I'm curious who it was aside from Soobin." He shrugged. I pointed at Beomgyu who smirked at my refusal to look at them still.

"Ren stop ignoring me." Kai complained as he moved to stand behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I pushed him off with a huff. Soobin slid a plate of waffles over to me and I smiled at him shyly. He got me a glass of orange juice as well while Yeonjun gave the others their plates to help him.

"She's ignoring him to the point she shoved him away." Beomgyu said to keep Jeongin, and technically everyone else, updated on the situation.

"Oh come on, don't be so childish. I did nothing-" Kai huffed before realizing what he had said when my head whipped around to face him immediately as I glared. He looked so guilty.

"Do. Not. Call me childish Kai. You of all people know better." I snarled. He went to speak again but I covered his mouth with my hand as I looked up at him. "We can talk later. As of right now, yes. Last night I did fuck Soobin and Beomgyu. No, it was not intentional on my end. It just ended up happening. I'm sorry it's such an annoyance to you. But never, call me childish for showing you I'm upset. I'd rather be silent than snappy and say something hurtful, you know that."

Kai hugged me immediately. Knowing that every time I'd been upset in the past I was told I was childish, just being dramatic. My emotions were pushed aside. Having the word used against me so much made me grow detached and mature faster. It was a subconscious reason I sought out older men as well. I didn't like to seem childish and always tried to gain approval that I wasn't, and in turn I'd always gone for older men who could give me that. It also explained why instead of responding to Kai I went silent and ignored him, to detach myself and avoid snapping on him completely.

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