Chapter Thirty-Two

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I was sitting in Seonghwa's medic bay, refusing to make eye contact as I now wore underwear, shorts, and Wooyoung's hoodie. Seonghwa was leaning against the wall across from me with HongJoong at his side. Both males were staring me down. I had apologized to HongJoong for the mess made in his office and had promptly been taken to Seonghwa who was doing a inventory check to get my still bleeding leg cleaned up. San and Jongho were sent on a mission as soon as they left the office with Yeosang and Yunho.

"So you gonna explain what the whole running was earlier? The now mess in my office and wounds on your body?" HongJoong asked, his voice cold and firm. I fidgeted with my hands as I peeked over at the males. My voice was almost nonexistent currently, barely being able to speak above a whisper and even then it was hoarse.

"San and Jongho were really jealous over what happened with me in the mission. Although I think San was more upset he had to wait until we were home to do anything." I slightly went off track. A look from Seonghwa had me getting back to my point.

"Anyways, they offered a little deal. If I can and hid, before they could get to 10, I could choose what I wanted done to me. I won, surprisingly, and had hid in your office. They knew where I was immediately." I didn't wanna continue, my face flushing as I refused to look up from my lap.

"And then?" HongJoong asked, knowing there was more. I took a deep breath and built the courage to say it.

"Well the thigh thing happened because when they found me Jongho stabbed it from under the desk." Seonghwa's eyes widened as he immediately came closer and inspected the wound currently covered in gauze closer as he cursed under his breath. I gave him a soft smile as he panicked while checking the wound.

"Seonghwa, Oppa? I'm fine. It was barely the tip of the dagger. I'd be more worried about the cut on my collarbone to be honest. Or the possible wound the gun caused." The way Seonghwa's head snapped up when I said that was almost comical as he started checking my body over. I giggled lightly, seeing the slightly panic on HongJoong's face as well.

"Calm down, I wasn't shot. You'd of heard a gunshot. San fucked me with his gun before they fucked me themselves. When San pulled the gun out it was covered in blood and cum." I informed Seonghwa, only being honest because of his medical degree and because they'd learn about it sooner or later.

"You were fucked with a gun by San? You're either dumb or insane." HongJoong said, shaking his head. I smiled and raised an eyebrow. I pointed at Seonghwa in response who gently bit my finger for pointing it at him.

"I let Seonghwa fuck me with a gun and in the same session allowed Yunho to point one at my head, put that gun in my mouth, and allowed him to point one at my head earlier?" I replied in confusion.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Seonghwa asked, looking up from cleaning the wound again as he got ready to see the spot closed.

"It means all of you are psychotic, technically I shouldn't allow any of you to hold any dangerous weapon near me but I trust you all with my life more than I do any cop has ever had." I replied. I hissed as Seonghwa started sewing the wound closed. HongJoong walked over and allowed me to squeeze his hands.

"You have a twisted sense of safety, Pup." HongJoong replied as he kissed my head. I pouted as I looked up, puckering my lips at the male. He rolled his eyes exaggeratedly as he leaned down and gave me a kiss. I smiled softly as he pulled away. Seonghwa finished what he was doing and before he could even realize what was happening I had grabbed his face by his jaws and pulled his lips to mine. He pushed his tongue into my mouth immediately as his hands came up and held my waist. My body pressed back against HongJoong's chest until Seonghwa pulled away a moment later.

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