Chapter Forty-Four

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⚠️❗️ This chapter contains mentions of self harm, mental health issues, a panic attack, and rape❗️⚠️

        Walking into my second class of the day I spot Jeongin in the back of the class. I immediately head his way. When I sat down he looked at me from his spot on the desk. He was slumped forward with his head resting on his arms. He raised an eyebrow at me as he takes in my rushed form. I held up a finger as I caught my breath. I ran all the way here alone to avoid DaeJun. I heard he was looking for me and Jongho wasn't at school. I'd also forgotten my ear piece in my room like a dumbass and didn't realize it until I was already on campus.

       "I need you to help me." I finally gasped out. I noticed the way he immediately became alert. It'd been settled by all three gangs I was under everyone's protection at all times. If I needed someone and couldn't get ahold of one I would go to another. I noticed his wince as his hand went to rub at the ear his ear piece was always in.

      "Why? What's wrong, Ren?" He asked. I finally caught my breath and leaned back in my chair.

     "Apparently DaeJun is looking for me. For obvious reasons I don't want that." I said. He nodded and immediately took his ear piece out. He glared at the device.

    "You idiots have a phone, fucking text her. She's okay. I'm with her and I'll take her class to class." Jeongin snapped at the thing. I laughed at his demise as he put tens device back in his ear.

      "Alright class, we have a lot to go over today. Please turn to the front." The teacher said as he walked in. Jeongin and I sent each other a look before paying attention in class. We would annoy the other while taking notes, nudging the other and kicking each other's leg but other than that we did take our notes and pay attention.

        Once class ended it was time for us to eat lunch. We headed to the cafeteria, I got a orange juice, coke, and slice of pizza while Jeongin got pizza and a coke. We sat down together in the back of the cafeteria and took a bite of our food. I could have moaned as the greasy goodness filled my tastebuds. He laughed at my expression as he eyed me judgmentally. I shrugged as I took another bite before opening my coke.

     "If you're gonna judge me I'll throw your pizza. It's pizza, one of the best things on earth. I'm allowed to be a pig about it." I said, taking a drink. The orange juice was for something to drink later on. He shook his head at me. I took another bite and moments later the entire cafeteria quietened. I look up to see why everyone was being weird and see who's walking into the cafeteria. I grab my napkin, quickly getting through my food. I wipe my face and hands before getting up, sending Jeongin a look. I walk towards the group of males as they look around, reaching them soon after.

      "What're you guys doing here?" I hissed when I got to them. Jongho raised an eyebrow.

      "I go to school here?" He asked. His tone making it seem as though it should've been obvious.

       "Not today you didn't, you all had things to take care of." I said. I could feel eyes on us and felt Jeongin's arm wrap around my shoulder after. He grinned down at me as I glared at him. I smacked the fuck out of his hip and he moved away from me. I stepped around the group and walked out the cafeteria knowing they'd follow me. I also noticed Jeongin had grabbed our bags and trays. I took my bag from him once we were in the hall and put my orange juice in the bag. We were allowed to eat around campus, although that only implied the courtyard and field where there were picnic tables and a few metal ones with umbrellas. I directed us all to one of the larger metal tables and sat down. Jeongin sat down across from me and snickered at my annoyed glare.

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