Chapter Eleven

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⚠️❗️ The end of this chapter contains self harm and alcohol abuse❗️⚠️

     Waking up I was really warm. The sun shone into the room I was in as I stretched a bit. Then I realized I wasn't in my own room. Looking around I didn't see anyone else in the room with me. Sitting up I tied my hair up into a bun and slowly moves out of the bed. Walking over to what I assumed was the door I peeked my head out into the hall way. At the exact moment I did so, Yeosang rounded the corner. He gave me an amused look and raised an eyebrow at me.

      "What're you doing little lady?" He asked with amusement. I smiled awkwardly and rubbed my neck.

     "I was hoping to see someone or I was gonna stay here until I was remembered." I said, slightly embarrassed. He smiled at me as he motioned me out the room. He held a hand out and I immediately went over and took it. He gently led me downstairs to the first floor. I heard voices in the room we were heading towards and soon we were in an office. I looked around confused as I made eye contact with HongJoong who was behind the desk in the far end of the room. It was right in front of a window and the door. Bookshelves lined the walls and a large table sat in the middle with four seater couches on either side of it.

     "Yeosang?" HongJoong asked, catching the attention of Seonghwa who was working on something at the table. He put his stuff away into a folder and motioned me over to him. I immediately waddled my way over to his side as he pulled me next to him.

    "She just woke up, I have to get to work and the others are out right now. I didn't wanna leave her alone." He responded as he walked towards HongJoong. HongJoong nodded and they spoke quietly for a moment while I looked around my surroundings. I noticed the books on the shelves were of all different types. There was some books on art, history, medics, science, plant based medicines, and some actual literature.

      "Seonghwa Oppa?" slipped from my mouth before I could stop it as I turned to look at him. He froze mid text as HongJoong and Yeosang turned to look at us with wide eyes.

     "Yes Ren?" He asked after he collected himself. I giggled at his response and pointed at one of the medical books.

     "You have a degree in medicine, don't you? Can you teach me some things so when I can't get to you I can make sure I don't make myself go septic?" I question. Seonghwa sends me a goofy grin as Yeosang passes by. He leaned down and ruffled my hair before leaving me with the two males.

    "Are you hungry, pup?" HongJoong asks as he moves to sit on the other side of me. I thought for a moment and nodded.

     "A little yeah. Oh and Joongie?" I asked. He looked into my eyes to show he was paying attention as he waited for what I needed.

     "I'm sorry if it's an inconvenience but can one of you take me home later so I can get changed and then take me to my parents? My mum wants me to attend dinner tonight." I asked, feeling bad I even had to ask for more from them.

     "Yeah, we can have you dropped off later tonight. What time are you expected?" He questioned.

     "I'm expected there around 6:30 if that's okay? If it's easier I can just take a bus there after dropping me off??" I softly question.

     "Absolutely not. Yeosang has more errands he has to run tonight, he can take you home then." Seonghwa speaks up. I nod softly before I'm being pulled out the office by Seonghwa. He said HongJoong had some work he needed to finish and then he'd join us.

      Placing a plate with pancakes and a bowl of fruit in front of me, Seonghwa sits down across from me on the island. He poured me a glass of orange juice as well. He claimed he already ate with the boys this morning before everyone left to take care of some things. I ate while listening to Seonghwa give me some basic first aid lessons. I paid attention to every word he said, nodding and showing him I was paying attention. I noticed he'd get slightly distracted every time I licked my lips and I couldn't deny the way my heart fluttered as I got self conscious of my looks for him.

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