Biting Jasper

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Message from future author: Hello everyone, before you start reading this story, I want you all to know something. This story is EXTREMELY old, like . . . from centuries ago. The writing is incredibly cringy, awkward, and the grammar can be painful to swallow at times. That being said, I removed this story but decided to bring it back for many reasons, but mainly for the nostalgia and because I may end up selling the rights away at some point. Please understand, I don't remember anything in this story or the content. I may or may not have said weird, messed up, insulting. insensitive or stereotypical things, please forgive me and know that it was a long time ago and I have matured.

 WARNING: This story contains romance between two GUYS. If you do not like this then please exit this story immediately. It contains some graphic material and I am not held responsible for nosebleeds and heart attacks. I will also not be held responsible for your loss in innocence. Also the beginning of this story is extremely cliche I know but trust me it all changes. You will LOVE it.

   Darkness messes with our human minds. We observe the night as a time of fear and terror. Where the beast hunts its prey through the dark and hollow trees. Where screams and growls come together to shake the earth beneath us.

   Most of the time we don't know what lurks through the trees, what kind of preys there are, what kind of monsters hide in the bushes. Their glowing red eyes flashing as they get closer and closer until they snap you open with their mighty jaws.

   But what happens if these monsters are far from our understanding. A creature so fierce and dangerous that is unknown to the world, yet there are thousands hiding in the shadows. Among us as humans.

   "Alright students." Ms. Nessa walked in and the class went silent. She placed her purse on her desk and began writing a page number on the board then she cleared her throat. "We have a new student."

   The class was filled with the sounds of whispers about the new student. We rarely had any new students. It's a small town in Virginia so we don't have much population here. New students are treated like royalty for the first month. Then it all subsides like they didn't even exist in the first place.

   A guy walked in and my heart stopped, such perfection in his walk. His face was flawless and beautiful, so were his deep blue eyes that glistened while he smiled. Girls giggled behind me. It's like the world around me stopped and it was replaced by a heavenly glow that surrounded us.

   His eyes searched each of our souls and he stopped at me, he gazed for a moment then turned to Ms. Nessa. The way he looked at me made me want to throw up with nerves. But that isn't so attractive.

   "This is Adam Levinte. He comes from a very far away place." Ms. Nessa said slowly as if we were stupid. "He is from England, look it up on your books."

   "We know where England is." Anasa implied with a chuckle. I looked back at her and smiled. My best friend. Let's see what kind of joke she has to say about this one. "It's where you buried your husband, isn't it?"

   "Please raise your hand next time, Anasa." Ms. Nessa said.

   "I did raise my hand, you were too busy staring at Adam to notice it."

   Ms. Nessa's face turned red in embarrassment. Then she wrote something on a piece of paper and hid it under her lamp. She then cleared her throat. "Adam please take any seat."

   He nodded and walked towards the empty chair in front of me. Oh no, why did he have to pick a chair so close to me? Now I must suffer and stare at his behind. He stopped at the chair and took a glance at me before sitting down.

Biting JasperWhere stories live. Discover now