08 | zoo keeper

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"MY GOD, LIP," Amara shook her head in disbelief. It was crazy to think that just in the few hours her and Lip had separated so much had changed. He'd lost his job, and any chance they had at moving into the murder house was gone, especially now.

And of course, Lip's way of getting his revenge was by robbing the damn place.

She hadn't known all of this when she first woke up the following morning after the events. Lip had told her about Born Free, but nothing beyond that. She'd gone to bed without waiting up for Lip after he'd told her he would be out late with Mickey and Brad. Did she find the combination of the three of them weird? Absolutely, but she wasn't going to comment on it.

Lip was nowhere to be seen when Freddy started crying, resulting in Amara waking up. It was early, she could tell that much.

After soothing Freddy, she placed him on the living room floor with one of his toys, and moved to call Lip's phone, right as the front door opened.

"Hey," she greeted, blinking at the flowers in his hands in surprise. "Where have you been? I was getting worried."

"Sorry," he said sheepishly, and his eyes quickly darted away from her face. "Went out for a run. Didn't want to wake you. Here, I grabbed you these while I was out."

Amara smiled when she accepted the flowers, but didn't stop herself from staring at him skeptically. "What'd you do?"

"What?" Lip retorted, bending down to cradle Freddy, who eagerly clung to his father. "Nothing. I just wanted to buy my girl flowers."

"Right," she was completely unconvinced, and they both knew it. "Did you join a motorcycle gang?"

Lip rolled his eyes. "Funny."

Amara followed after him into the kitchen. "Ooh, or maybe you became a pole dancer."

"Close," Lip adjusted Freddy on his hip. "I'm a zoo keeper."

Amara dropped the flowers into a vase, shooting him a grin. "Sexy. Hey, while you were out last night, I researched some mechanic places that were hiring nearby. I know you just got fired, but it's good to get back on your feet quick." She handed him a piece of paper. "I wrote them all down."

Lip silently took it, reading over her handwriting, before nodding and kissing her quickly. "Yeah, uh, thanks. I just don't know how fast these places are going to be hiring."

"Yeah, I get that. If we don't figure something out, we're gonna have to move back into your old house, and I quite literally cannot handle that. Not with the racists next door and not with how many people are already crammed in there."

Lip cocked his head to the side. "Your old apartment is out of the question?"

Amara shrugged. "Probably. Everything was in Margot's name, but she skipped town how long ago? I'm sure the landlord declared it vacant and started renting it out to someone new. I can start looking, but it's gonna be hard with only my income."

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now