06 | newly engaged

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"SOMEONE BOUGHT THE CHECK cashing place on Wentworth," Fiona announced, reading her phone in disbelief as she walked towards the table. Amara didn't look up from the housing website she was on, but Lip did. "A hundred and forty grand."

"Great. Another artisanal pickle shop on the way," Lip mused sarcastically.

Amara scrunched up her nose. "Who even likes pickles?"

"Normal people," he kicked her leg from under the table. "You're just picky."

"Morning, Chief," Fiona saluted when Carl hopped down the steps and walked into the kitchen. Amara kicked his leg back without lifting her head.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Would you like toast, or do you only eat maize?" Fiona teased.

Carl rolled his eyes. "Laugh all you want, but it got me a scholarship into military school."

"Does this mean we get a discount at the Indian casino?"

"Hey, can you hand me the cereal, Marches Without Foreskin?" Lip chimed in.

Amara snorted into her palm as Fiona let out a chuckle. "When do you go?"

"Couple of days," Carl shrugged.

Fiona grunted. "I'm losing my best dishwasher."

"Second best," Lip corrected, and the brunette scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Not even close. Well, there's no chance you're leaving without a Gallagher good-bye party."

Carl bit into an apple, and the entire room fell silent in shock. "What?"

"You just...ate healthy food," Amara stated, eyeing him. "Are you feeling alright?"

He just shrugged. "Gotta get in shape for school."

Lip shook his head. "Carl's got a scholarship and I'm washing dishes. The world is upside down."

Amara stood and dropped her plate in the sink. "Speaking of upside down, I've gotta get to work and save drowning children."

Liam perked from his seat and jumped down with a grin. "Pool!"

Amara had barely sat down on the couch before Ian and Lip came back from the dinner party Debbie had hosted at Sierra's, and both boys nodded their heads in acknowledgement as Liam rushed up the steps to his room. Amara moved the laptop off her legs and raised a brow. "How was dinner?"

Ian scoffed while Lip ran a hand through his hair. "I think we should tell Fi at the same time as you."

Amara furrowed her brows. "That doesn't sound good."

Both boys suddenly reached over the couch to pull her up by her arms. She let out a yelp of surprise and tried to wiggle out of their grips, scowling as they laughed. Amara fell back into Lip's chest, still holding onto Ian's hands as her feet finally reached the floor.

With her heart racing in her chest because of the abrupt contact with Lip, she stepped forward to glare at them. "There was no need for that."

"Yes there was," Ian argued.

"We needed to get you off the couch," Lip finished.

"I could've done it myself-"

"Time to go," Ian announced, dragging her up the steps with Lip trailing behind them. Amara followed and allowed him to pull her, coming to a stop outside of Fiona's room.

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now