01 | spy mission

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THE FUNERAL HAD BEEN short, and it had been small, not more than thirty people had shown up. Her death had hit so quickly that if you blinked you would've missed it. Amara could still recall her grandmother clutching her hand tightly in the hospital room after hours, when it was only the pair of them. Of course, it was then that her body decided to give out. Amara had frantically screamed for a nurse and panicked, shaking Gloria as if to wake her. But she never opened her eyes. And she never would again.

It had been a month since the failed wedding. Twenty-nine days since her grandmother's passing. And everyone had moved on. Amara was attempting to do the same, it was like everybody had forgotten about what happened. Gloria's death had probably been the thing that inspired Amara to train for her new job position. If she couldn't save her, maybe she could save others.

"No running!" Amara shouted after a sprinting kid, climbing down from her post as her sandals smacked against the concrete. She walked over to the chairs, glancing over to make sure her post was covered like it should've been, and sat down next to James, who flipped up his sunglasses. "It's sort of weird that whenever we talk it's always at my job."

"That's because you won't let me at your house," James replied, and she rolled her eyes, kicking her legs up onto the chair. She was already pretty tan—lifeguarding everyday for the past month had made her skin three shades darker. It was nice not looking like a vampire anymore.

"That's because only friends are allowed at my house."

James scoffed and waved her off as she laughed. "I can't believe you just yelled at that kid for running. Since when are you a rule enforcer?"

Amara shrugged, and leaned down to grab her water. "Apparently we get sued if a kid falls and cracks their head open, so, that's why. And it comes out of my paycheck. If I have to yell at kids to not jog across the concrete to get money, I will."

"Also the whole saving drowning people thing, too, right?"

She nodded, heart deflating a little, but fixed her expression quickly. "Yeah, guess that has a part in it as well."

"Hey," a voice said from behind, and Amara turned her head to see Fiona standing there with Liam at her side. "Sorry to drop him off here with you again, you wouldn't mind watching him, would you?"

"Of course not," Amara stood. "Liam is great company."

Fiona smiled at her. "Thanks. I'd love to hang, but I've got a shift."

Amara waited until she was past the gate before turning to Liam. "Kiddy pool again?"

Liam shook his head. "Big pool."

"You've gotta wear your floaties for that. I can't work and babysit you at the same time."

Liam reluctantly agreed, and allowed Amara to slip them on around his arms. She watched as he pencil dove into the shallow end of the pool with an amused grin.

"That kid's got spirit," James mused, rising from the chair. "I've got an appointment."

"Hopefully that hair stars growing back soon," Amara tapped his bald head and he rolled his eyes. "There's like little stems of it."

"You're damaging my reputation."

She gave him a look of disbelief. "You're from one of the wealthiest families ever and at the public pool. Your reputation has already been damaged."

"Ready to go home?" Amara asked hours later and when the pool was getting ready to close. She tugged Liam forward and began to lead him out the gate. "Want to stop and get pizza? I know you've got to be starving after all that swimming."

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