10 | lumpy old hag

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"WOULD YOU LET ME in, you prick?" Amara hollered from outside Lip's dorm room, holding a plate of brownies in her hands, and impatiently eating one as she waited for him to answer. The lock clicked, and the door slid open. She grinned at him. "Hi."

"Hey," he smiled weakly back at her as she stepped into the room. "What're you doing here?"

She gently placed the plate onto his nightstand and fell onto the bed. "Well, since we had to cancel last night's plans because of your little uh... Laced weed problem I figured I'd come over today instead."

"Oh," he slid into the office chair that was by his desk. "Cool."

She sat up and raised her brows. "Cool?"

"Yeah," he shrugged, grabbing a pencil and turning to his computer. "Cool."

Amara faltered slightly but decided to kick off her shoes, pulling her legs onto the bed. "Heard you got your tuition issue sorted."

"I did."

"Yeah, well it was weird that I heard it from Kev and not from you. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm not obligated to tell you everything."

She felt her brows furrow. "Well of course you're not obligated, but I'm your girlfriend. I might've been able to help."

"Good thing it's fixed, now you don't have to."

She rose from the bed slowly. "Right. Lucky me."

"Lucky you."

"I'm thinking about cutting my hair. Should I do it?"


"Might get my cartilage pierced."


"I ran someone over."

"That's nice."

Amara rolled her eyes. "I'm pregnant."

Lip's head snapped over in her direction. "What?!"

She stared at him in exasperation. "It really took that for you to look at me?"  He exhaled in relief and turned back to his desk. Amara felt a frown tug at her lips. "Lip, did I do something?"

"What? No."

"You're being weird."

"I'm a weird person."


"Everything is fine," he assured, shaking his head and turning back. "Just working."

Amara started towards him almost hesitantly. "So all that talk last night about you throwing me onto this bed was some sort of explicit tease scheme of yours?"

"Look- Amara I'm trying to focus, do you mind?"

She smirked. "Oh, so I'm distracting you?"

"Yeah, and it's fucking annoying."

"Christ," her shoulders slumped and she stepped back. "If you want me to go then just say so you don't need to be such a—"

"I want you to go," he interrupted, staring up at her now, and she struggled to conceal her shock.

"You're joking, aren't you?"

"I'm trying to fucking concentrate. Just get out."

She clenched her jaw, masking her hurt and sent him a curt nod, before walking to her shoes to slip them on, and glared at the back of his head.

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now