06 | awkward

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"JESUS CHRIST, THIS BOX is heavy," Amara complained, lugging the cardboard with a groan until she dropped it on the floor. "Are you sure it's in one of these?"

"It's in here somewhere," Fiona replied, shaking her head and sorting through the box Amara had just pulled from the attic.

"I didn't think your wedding was gonna become an annual tradition like Thanksgiving," Veronica remarked, shuffling through her own box, and Amara covered her mouth to hide a snort.

"I asked Lip and Ian to walk me down the aisle," Fiona said excitedly, straightening up, and looking at the both of them. "Mara, I want you to be one of my bridesmaids."

Amara's jaw dropped as her face broke out into a smile. "Oh my God. Yes!"

"The ink's barely dry on your divorce," Veronica went on.

Fiona made a face. "Why are you giving me a hard time?"

Veronica sighed and glanced to Amara who raised a brow. "I love you, but if you're gonna change your mind, do it before I shell out the money for your bachelorette party tonight."

"I'm not changing my mind," Fiona defended. "And it wasn't my idea to have it this early."

"Look, I am not showing up to your wedding all bloated and looking like shit. I need time to recuperate."

"And I can't be that lame bridesmaid who doesn't have a date," Amara interjected, flinging out one of Ian's old hoodies, but coming up empty handed, still no dress. "I need time."

Fiona scoffed. "Weeks?"

Amara made a look of offense. "Hey!"

The other brunette gasped suddenly, reaching down to pull something out. "I found it."

Amara's eyes widened as her and Veronica examined the gown. It was a gorgeous shade of white, lacy and silky, and she was completely shocked, if she were being honest. "Where did Monica get the bread for a wedding dress?"

Fiona smiled to herself and unfolded it. "This was back when her parents had a little money. And they approved of the first wedding."

"The first?" Amara and Veronica echoed in unison.

Fiona glanced up to them with an amused glint in her eyes. "She married Frank twice. First time only lasted a week. She locked him in the trunk of the car, left him in the K-Mart parking lot for days."

Veronica snorted as they began to pack up the boxes, but paused randomly and turned to Amara. "About your date situation, why don't you just ask Lip to be yours?"

Amara had to physically stop herself from laughing out loud.

"No offense, but I thought you were a hand whore," Fiona admitted, standing on a chair in the middle of Kev and V's living room as Svetlana took measurements of her dress.

Amara flipped the page of the bridal magazine she was reading, and turned to show Veronica, who was sat next to her on the couch. "Oh, I use my hands for many things," Svetlana said.

"I just thought she could save you some dough," Veronica cut in.

"Hey, Fi, what do you think about lilac and hunter green for your color scheme?"

Veronica smacked her hand with the booklet. "You said the same thing for my wedding."

Amara rolled her eyes. "Yeah, and you didn't listen. It's a great color combination!"

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