The Crest of Friendship

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Joe and Gomamon walk along the lake shore in search of any clues as to Matt's whereabouts. "We've looked everywhere, Gomamon, but we still can't find Matt." "Maybe your harmonica playing is keeping him in hiding." Gomamon comments as Joe glances at the harmonica in his hands. "Hmm. Everybody's a critic." He mutters as Gomamon spots something. "Hey Joe! Look over there!" "What is it?" Joe asks, following his partner up a hill where in the water below it sat a familiar swan-shaped pedal boat. "It's Matt's boat! He must be close by!" Gomamon cheers. "But we have no idea when he left it. Or if he was using it at all. Come on, we better keep looking." Joe says, turning to walk away. "Don't be such a downer. This is our first clue in a long time, and I wanna see a little get-up-and-Gomamon!" Gomamon chides.

"I guess I'm still pessimistic. Cause when we found Matt's harmonica, it led us nowhere." Joe admits once again looking at the object before turning to Gomamon with a confident smile. "But you're right. He could be nearby." "Now that's the spirit, Joe. You've become a real man lately." Gomamon praises as Joe crouches down and pokes him in the cheek. "Oh, I get it now. So you're saying that I wasn't a real man before, huh?" Joe asks as Gomamon struggles not to laugh. "Are you man enough not to laugh when I tickle you?"

"Mega Claw!" WarGreymon exclaims as he attempts to land a hit on Piedmon as the two begin to duke it out. Finally, a blow to the stomach sends Piedmon crashing into a rock. Tai and the other sit on pins and needles watching as a cloud of dust erupts from the impact. "I think we won!" Tai cheers much too soon as Piedmon merely laughs and emerges unscathed. "Thank you for the sparring match, WarGreymon, now I'm ready for the main event," Piedmon smirks elegantly dropping to the ground not too far from the DigiDestined. "Once upon a time, there were these DigiDestined. And then Piedmon destroyed them all. The end." Piedmon relayed, his once sing-song and teasing tone was now filled with venom.

"No offense to your story-telling skills, but I'd like it better if the ending were different." Izzy countered. "It will be!" WarGreymon dropped to the ground in front of the kids. "We can't win unless we're all together!" Kari protested as Tai clenched his jaw. "Where are they?"

Traveling through the air on Birdramon's feet, Sora looks at the device in her hand in hopes of some sort of signal. T.K. and Patamon watch her from their seat on the bird Digimon's other

Foot. "The digivice isn't responding at all." Sora frowns. "I hope we find them soon, I'm getting airsick." Patamon comments while Sora remains silent clenching her digivice in her fist and staring off into the distance. 'We'll never find them all. The Digital World is too big. They could be anywhere.' Sora thinks to herself. "Hey, Sora," T.K. calls after a while. "What?" "We'll be able to find Matt and the others, right?" T.K.'s question causes Sora to falter. 'Should I tell him the truth?' "Well, Sora?" T.K. asks as Sora tries to stop the tears welling up in her eyes.

"The only thing I can say, T.K., is...." Sora struggles to keep her voice level as choked sobs cut her off. "Are you alright? You're not crying, are you?" T.K. asks as Sora turns to him with a bright smile. "Just something in my eye. Don't worry, we'll find them, T.K." Hearing those words, T.K. and Patamon smile brightly before turning back to look at the landscape below. 'We'll find the others because we have to. Unless we fight as a team, we'll never defeat Piedmon. We can't let him destroy the digital world!' Sora tells herself and as if in agreement with her thoughts, Birdramon screeches loudly.

Back on the battlefield, WarGreymon flies through the air, spinning so fast he appears only as a blur. "Terra Force!" He launches himself at Piedmon, who leaps gracefully out of the way, letting WarGreymon plow into the wall of rock behind him. WarGreymon growls as he sits back up while Piedmon chuckles in amusement. "He's tough." Gatomon comments. "We should all fight." Kari offers. "Everyone stay where you are!" Tai orders much to his sister's surprise. "But Tai, why not?" "The Digimon are still too tired from our fight with LadyDevimon. We have to wait until we're at full strength when Matt and the others rejoin us." Tai replies. "I hope it's soon," WarGreymon mutters as he and Piedmon stare each other down.

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