The Dark Network of Etemon

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Tai stood atop Whamon With Arashi sitting beside him as the others all lay down asleep. "We left File Island almost 5 days ago." Tai sighed. "Dude Whamon just said we're almost there chill out." Arashi told him bouncing Pupumon. Tai pulled out his telescope to have a look around. "I think I see an iceberg either that or it could be the continent of Server." Tai said. "It's Server." Whamon replied as Tai began jumping up and down excitedly. "All right everybody, wake up! Rise and shine! We're almost at Server!" Tai yelled waking up the others. "I was only just resting my eyes." Matt said sitting up. "Well your eyes were snoring pretty loudly." Joe said sitting up and adjusting his glasses. "We're gonna be there in a few minutes we gotta make sure we have everything we need." Tai said. 

"We're really there?" "I'm ready for land again." "I'd share like a need that didn't move." Sora Izzy and T.K. exclaimed. "Wow that island is huge." "Over never seen an island that big." "It's not an island it's the continent of Server." Tentomon told Agumon and Biyomon. "Mimi you just gotta wake up and look at this." Palmon said shaking her partner. "We're going to land on a big continent." "No, I'm getting a pedicure." Miko I mumbled rolling over. "Guess I won't be able to go dress shopping with you on Server then." Arashi said sarcastically from her spot by the others. Almost instantly Mimi had hopped onto Arashi's back and was giggling. "For real? You really wanna go dress shopping! Oh goodie! I don't wait to get you out of this hoodie! Hey wait, that rhymed." Mimi said as everyone else laughed. 

"We're almost there." Sora said as Whamon pulled in close to the continent. "How are we gonna get off?" Tai asked as Arashi pushed him and Agumon from where they stood on Whamon's side. They slid off of Whamon and landed on the ground on Server. "Like that." She called. "You could've warned me." Tai replied. "Where's the fun in that?" She asked sliding down as the others followed. "Come on Mimi!" Sora yelled. "Uh this is a little too extreme sports for me. Is there some way I can be airlifted onto the island?" "Sorry we can't just move the continent for you Mimi. According to the map this is the best place to go ashore." Izzy told her. "Just put one foot in front of the other and you'll be fine really it's as easy as falling off a log!" Joe called to the girl. 

"Yeah well, I've fallen off of plenty of logs and believe me it's not as easy as it- Ah!" She yelped as Whamon shifted sending her into the air before sliding down Whamon. She slid down and crashed into Izzy sending them onto the ground. "I think I broke a nail." Mimi whined getting up. "I think you broke Izzy." Arashi said lifting her all the way up and helping Izzy. "Thanks Arashi." "No problem." Arashi repleid before turning to Whamon. "Thank you so much for your help!" She told him. "Oh it was my pleasure anything for the Princess, Good luck finding the Crests!" He called swimming away. "Good-bye Whamon! So long!" Everyone called waving him off as he dived back into the ocean. "So what are we going to do now?" Mimi asked. 

"While you guys were asleep Whamon told us where to go. A few miles from here there's a Koromon village." Arashi told her. "Koromon that somehow sounds familiar." Mimi said. "I was a Koromon the day you got here." Agumon said. "I forgot." Mimi clapped. "The Koromon are a group of Digimon always willing to help out those in need." Tentomon explained. "All right gang let's move out." Tai said as evryone nodded. "Man this place is bigger than I thought." Sora sighed after a few hours of walking. "It's simple physics the universe is expanding." Gomamon a said. "I think my feet are expanding. We've been walking all day long and there's no sign of the village yet." Joe repleid. "Oh, I'd give anything to be in a nice clean bathtub with lots of bubble bath in it." Mimi said. "You can do that once we get to the village." "You honestly think they have bathrooms Palmon?" "Well..." Palmon trailed off

Suddenly, Agumon lifted his head and began sniffing the air. "You okay little dude?" Arashi asked. Agumon dashed forward a bit and continued sniffing the air. "What are you doing Agumon?" Tai asked his partner. "Tai, I smell Koromon over in this direction." "Really?" Tai asked jogging over and lifting his telescope. He adjusted the view as a massive area of green trees appeared. "A forest." Tai gasped. "A forest? Is that where the Koromon village is?" Matt asked. "It must be, come on!" Tai said as he took off running. "Tai wait a minute!" Sora called to him. "Tai!" Arashi yelled in vain. "We're almost there!" Tai said as he pushed away a few leaves revealing a lowered area filled with colorful pup tents. 

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