Ogremon's Honor

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"Who's that?" Mimi asks as the beast-like Digimon looms closer. "Hey, don't you come any closer," Gomamon warns. "Wait! I won't hurt you." The Digimon states. "Do we believe you?" Mimi wonders. "He sounds familiar," Joe says, pointing to the Digimon as he growls at them. "Wait, I don't trust him." Ogremon protests. "Don't give me any of your jive, baby! Come out! Come out, wherever you are." MetalEtemon calls as a tree falls down in the distance. "I'll explain everything later. Right now we need to get out of here." The Digimon states. Soon, Joe, Mimi, Palmon, and Gomamon were riding on the lion Digimon as Hudiemon flew beside them. "Hey wait up! Don't leave me here with this whacked-out monkey." Ogremon calls trailing behind them.

Back where they had just been, MetalEtemon lands on the ground by some tracks and picks up the dirt. "Supreme! I'm fired up and ready to go on a mean streak!" He laughs. "Slow down you four-footed giant fur ball!" Ogremon yelled, struggling to keep pace with the others. "This is certainly more convenient than waiting for a taxi," Mimi commented as they came to the ruins of an abandoned town. "If I had known we were gonna go riding, I'd have worn long pants." Joe sighed. "Me too, I need a side saddle." Mimi agreed. "This place doesn't look very lively." "It's kind of spooky." The duo comment looking at the lifeless and dilapidated building. The lion Digimon passes by a broken-down restaurant that catches Gomamon's attention. "Look up there." He calls.

"I think I'm gonna barf. That's the restaurant where they made me work like a slave. I'm still trying to get that greasy spoon smell out of my sweater." Joe groans. "But this is all wrong, it's supposed to be near a lake." Gomamon protests. "Everything's changed. Hurry, we'd better find shelter." The lion Digimon says, taking the kids into the restaurant. "This place is depressing," Joe says as he slides off Digimon's back. "There's not even a clean chair to sit on," Mimi comments as Hudiemon lifts her off. A second later the lion Digimon starts glowing and dedigivolves into Leomon causing everyone to gasp. "Awesome!" "Leomon, you are not going to believe what you've missed!" Gomamon and Joe cheer. "I can't believe it's you." Mimi cheered, running up and hugging Leomon.

"I am truly happy to have returned and help my friends." Leomon smiles, hugging Mimi back. "You digivolved." Palmon gasped. "Not just that, you digivolved into a mega Digimon," Hudiemon adds. "A lot has happened to me since being set free of the Black Gears and their evil power. Being exposed to the Digivice has now enabled me to digivolve. But there is one problem..." Leomon growls hitting the wall. "I am unable to control it. I haven't learned the secret yet. It's all still new to me." Leomon growls. "What makes you special, you oversized doggy chew toy? Let's just see how many lives you have left." Ogremon smashes his club onto the floor and charges at Leomon. Leomon quickly restrains Ogremon and tosses him to the floor while two sets of eyes watch from the hole in the floor.

"There is nothing more pathetic than a whiner. Clearly, you do not deserve to be called a Digimon." Leomon states as Ogremon groans in pain. One of the sets of eyes reaches out to grab a broken piece of wood but loses its grip and drops it causing them to scream which catches everyone's attention. "Who's in there? Show yourself." Leomon orders as a Gekomon and an Otamamon reveal themselves. "Please don't squish us! We're friends!" "The last thing we want to do is cause trouble!" Otamamon and Gekomon say frantically. "Palmon look." Mimi gasps recognizing the duo. "They delivered the triple hot fudge sundae." Palmon cheered. "Huh? Wow, it's Mimi! What luck!" Gekomon cheers, running up and jumping into Mimi's arms laughing in excitement.

"Take that!" Deramon cheers laughing as he and Floramon continue to shoot cannonballs at Puppetmon. "Here he comes!" "Oh no." "He's mad." "Well, we are shooting at him." The two bicker as the kids watch. "I bet they don't invite Puppetmon to their birthday parties." Tai joked. "Would you?" Arashi smirked. "I think it's a good thing that they're finally releasing their hostility." Sora offered. Outside Puppetmon managed to avoid enough cannonballs to make it to the front of the mansion, outside the cannon's line of fire. "Get out now!" Puppetmon roared as Deramon and Floramon yelled in fright. "You guys know you're not allowed upstairs! My room is off-limits! Plus, I hate sharing my toys!" Puppetmon continues.

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